"InAB" - Identification of individual and institutional incentives and barriers to continuing vocational education and training (CVET) among fringe groups for the development of targeted CVET measures

Line of Funding: Innovative Approach to Future-Orientated Measures of Continuing Vocational Education and Training

Project duration: 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018

Brief description

Demographic, political and technological trends will cause an increasing skills and labour shortage in various industry sectors of the German economy. The healthcare and social services industries, the hotel and catering industries, the trade industries as well as the (high) technology industries will be particularly affected by emerging staff shortages. Consequently, companies are forced to fill a rising number of job vacancies with currently unexploited labour force potential - i.e. unqualified or low qualified people, people returning from career breaks, long-term unemployed or migrants - as well as elderly but experienced employees. Thus, extending targeted CVET measures will be the key action of companies to successfully recruit and integrate these groups of people into the companies work processes and therefore into the labour market as well as into society.
As the integration of these so-called fringe groups is such an important matter from a sociopolitical as well as from an economic perspective, the research goal of the underlying joint project is to empirically identify relevant influence factors of both the motivation for and the participation in continuing vocational training with respect to the target groups. In this context, the interaction of the individual and institutional influence factors will be specifically analysed.
The joint project follows a mixed-method-design, which will be realized with two substudies:

  • (1) Firstly, according to the current state of research a qualitative study will be conducted through a series of structured interviews in several companies within the industry sectors of interest. These interviews will be held with executive personnel, personnel development staff as well as with other employees matching the characteristics of the aforementioned target groups (i.e. employees with migration backgrounds, older employers, career break returners and formally unqualified/low-qualified employees). Similar interviews will be held with unemployed people who are obliged by the German Federal Labour Office to attend specific CVET measures (i.e. potential career break returners, unemployed migrants, formally unqualified/low-qualified unemployed). The aim of substudy one is to identify both reasons for and barriers of CVET measures from an individual perspective as well as from an institutional perspective and with respect to the target groups.
  • (2) The second substudy will be carried out as a quantitative study. Based on the results of the structured interviews a questionnaire will be developed and used along with a larger sample. The underlying sample will match the target groups of substudy one. The aim of the quantitative study is to examine hypotheses based on theoretical models and regarding the participation of CVET measures. Structural correlations will be empirically examined.

Regarding the usability and the transferability of the results the research project is expected to provide information on both conditions specific to the individual, as well as industry-specific conditions/requirements for participation in CVET measures. The findings are of high practical value for the development of targeted CVET measures as well as for the integration of the affected target groups into the labour market and thus society. Additionally, companies and educational institutions will be more sensitized to the demands of the target groups in regard of CVET measures.

Publications and Presentations:


  • Siegfried, C., Wuttke, E. & Seeber, S. (2019). Weiterbildungsanlässe und -barrieren von Arbeitnehmern verschiedener (weiterbildungs-)benachteiligter Gruppen. [Reasons and barriers to continuing training for the employees of different disadvantaged groups]. Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, 115(2), 186 - 217.
  • Siegfried, C., Rosemann, Th., Wuttke, E. & Seeber, S. (2018). Integrationsleistung von Weiterbildung. Ein differenzierter Blick auf Weiterbildung aus Unternehmenssicht. Berufsbildung.[Integration into continuing education: A differentiated perspective on continuing educa-tion from the company's point of view]. Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis, 172, 6-9.
  • Seeber, S., Wuttke, E. & Rosemann, Th. (2017): Randgruppen in der beruflichen Weiterbildung: Zur Schwierigkeit von Abgrenzungen und der Aussagekraft von Berichtssystemen.[Fringe groups in continuing vocational training: On the difficulty of defining boundaries]. Berufsbildung. Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis, 163, 71. Jg., 21-24.


  • Wuttke, E., Seeber, S. & Siegfried, C. (2019). Who Participates in Continuous Vocational Education and Training and Why Do They Do It? Conference of the World Educational Research Association (WERA) vom 04. bis 08. August 2019, Tokyo/Japan.
  • Seeber, S., Wuttke, E., Siegfried, C. & Rosemann, T. (2019). Reasons and barriers to continuing vocational education and training (CVET) for marginalized groups. Vortrag auf der AERA (American Educational Research Association) am 7. April 2019, Toronto.
  • Siegfried, C., Wuttke, E. & Seeber, S. (2018). Reasons and Barriers for Continuing Vocational Education and Training (CVET) of Fringe Groups. EARLI SIG 14 Learning and Professional Development Conference, vom 12. bis 14. September 2018, Genf/Schweiz.
  • Siegfried, C., Rosemann, T., Wuttke, E. & Seeber, S. (2018). Anlässe und Barrieren von Randgruppen in beruflichen Weiterbildungen. [Reasons and barriers to continuing vocational education and training (CVET) for marginalized groups]. Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Sektion BWP vom 03. bis 05.09.2018 in Frankfurt.
  • Siegfried, C., Wuttke, E., Rosemann, T., Rüter, T., Seeber, S. (2017): Erschließung individueller und institutioneller Anlässe und Barrieren beruflicher Weiterbildung bei „Randgruppen“ zur Planung adressatengerechter Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen. [Identifying individual reasons for and barriers to continuing vocational training among " fringe groups " in order to plan appropriate continuing vocational training measures for target groups]. Vortrag auf der BWP (Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik) am 26. September 2017, Stuttgart.
  • Jockers, R., Rosemann, T., Rüter, T., Salge, B., Wuttke, E. & Seeber, S. (2016). Erschließung individueller und institutioneller Anlässe und Barrieren beruflicher Weiterbildung bei "Randgruppen" zur Planung adressatengerechter Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen. [Identifying individual reasons for and barriers to continuing vocational training among " fringe groups " in order to plan appropriate continuing vocational training measures for target groups].Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Sektion BWP vom 12. bis 14.09.2016 in Hamburg.

Project Management:

  • Prof. Dr. Susan Seeber; Chair of Business Education and Human Resource Development

External Project Partner:

  • Prof. Dr. Eveline Wuttke; Goethe University Frankfurt, Chair of Economic and Business Education (Project Leadership)

Project Team Members of the University of Göttingen:

  • Therese Rosemann, M.A.; Chair of Business Education and Human Resource Development
  • Theresa Rüter, M.Sc.; Chair of Business Education and Human Resource Development

Project Team Members of the Goethe University Frankfurt:

  • Raina Jockers, B.Sc.; Chair of Economic and Business Education
  • Benjamin Salge, B.Sc.; Chair of Economic and Business Education

"This project is being sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF, Funding number: 21IAWB029B). Responsibility for the contents of this publication rests with the authors."
