Fem*ily - Forum for feminist family visions

October 12, 2019 - A day to think, dream and experience feminine family visions.

Please register by the 25th of September at fem_ily@riseup.net.

Family and care for and around each other affects us all. Even so, the vast majority are women who stay home with the children and later work part-time, and it is still women who do the bear's share of caring work. Although a change in family norms is on everyone's lips, the ideal of the nuclear family (mother, father, child) remains stubborn. For many, the desire for family means the desire for more community - and this can look diverse.

On October 12, we want to shed light on family in all its facets from different, queer-feminist perspectives. We want to talk about resistant, feminist and emancipatory alternatives to the nuclear family model. We want to emphasize reproductive work for one day out of its social devaluation. The aim is also to jointly explore new strategies of coexistence that can relieve families economically, socially and emotionally. Convinced that networking is a first and important step out of parental and family isolation, we want to spend a day getting together, inspiring, exchanging and placing care around each other at the center of our debate.