Creating a Scientific Concept to Reduce Bureaucracy – Evaluation of SKM-data in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology on the Basis of an International Comparison
Subject matter
Creating a Scientific Concept to Reduce Bureaucracy – Evaluation of SKM-data in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology on the Basis of an International Comparison
Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Research funding program: “Better legislation und reduction of bureaucracy“
01.01.2007 - 30.09.2009
Co-operation partners
Institute for Economic and Political Research ( Institut für Wirtschafts- und Politikforschung, ,IWP, Richter&Schorn, Köln
Consortium for economic administration (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für wirtschaftliche Verwaltung e.V., AWV)
Brief description
The research project aims at developing measures that result in a noticeable bureaucratic relief of businesses.
The costs are to be determined using a standard costs model in order to deduce optimizing adjustments for cost reduction.
Important research questions in this case are:
On the basis of the collected data by the standard cost model, how are the lawful reporting requirements to be dealt with?
Should the respective requirements be abolished, should the group of parties involved be changed, should the duty to inform be adapted or remain untouched?
Moreover it is to be investigated whether the intended relief measures effectively benefit the businesses.
The research project is to develop a decision guidance which will enable a productive arrangement of lawful reporting requirements.
Thereby the standard cost model shall include an estimation of consequences which exceeds the mere consideration of cost data and shall also be enhanced.