Dr. des. Inna Klause

Research Assistant

Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1977 in Borowoje, Kazakhstan, has lived in Germany since 1990. From 1998 to 2003 she studied music education, with studies in accordion (bajan) with Prof. Elsbeth Moser as her main subject, at the Hanover University for Music and Drama, where she received her teaching diploma in 2003. From 2000 to 2005 she also studied musicology and philosophy (M.A. 2005). Her master's thesis dealt with the life and compositions for bajan of the Russian composer Vladislav Zolotaryov (1942 – 1975). Since 2005, she has been a doctoral candidate in musicology at the Hanover University for Music and Drama, preparing a dissertation with the title Music and musicians in soviet labor camps during the period of Stalinism under Prof. Dr. Stefan Weiss and Prof. Dr. Arnfried Edler. She has received scholarships from the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (1999 – 2005), from the ASA programme of the Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft (2000), from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for research trips to Moscow and Magadan (2004 and 2006), from the German Historical Institute in Moscow and from the Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur (government-funded organisation for research and reappraisal of the communist dictatorship in East Germany; 2007 – 2008) and from the FAZIT-Stiftung (2009). In 2007 she was awarded the Gundlach Music Prize 2007. In Autumn 2007 she organised the international congress Vladislav Zolotaryov: his life and his work, funded by the DFG , at the Hanover University for Music and Drama.

Main research interests

  • Composers in the Soviet Union
  • Music and politics in the Soviet Union
  • Music-making under the extreme conditions of concentration camps
  • Amateur music making in the Soviet Union

Publications (selection)

a. Monograph

  • Das Leben des Komponisten Vladislav A. Zolotarëv, Norderstedt 2005.

b. As editor

  • Tagungsband zur internationalen Tagung „Vladislav Zolotarëv: Leben und Werk“, edited by Inna Klause, Norderstedt 2008.

c. Articles and other works

  • "Musik per Verordnung. Offizielles Kulturleben in Stalins Zwangsarbeitslagern." In: Das Lager schreiben. Varlam Šalamov und die Aufarbeitung des Gulag, published by Manfred Sapper, Volker Weichsel and Andrea Huterer, Berlin 2007 (OSTEUROPA; 6/2007), p. 301–313.
  • "Vladislav Zolotarëv." In: Komponisten der Gegenwart – KDG, edited by Hanns-Werner Heister und Walter-Wolfgang Sparrer, München 2007, 35th supplement, 28 pp.
  • "Zur Bedeutung der Narrativität für die Schostakowitsch-Rezeption." In: Der Komponist als Erzähler. Narrativität in Dmitri Schostakowitschs Instrumentalmusik, edited by Melanie Unseld and Stefan Weiss, Hildesheim etc. 2008 (Ligaturen 2), p. 101–116.
  • "Häftlingstheater in sowjetischen Zwangsarbeitslagern der Stalinzeit. Ausbruch aus dem Alltag und Schaffung einer neuen Alltäglichkeit." In: Plurale. Zeitschrift für Denkversionen, Volume 7 – Alltag (2008), p. 153–180.
  • "Verschollenes Lied von Wladislaw Solotarjow in Magadan aufgefunden." In: Intermusik, März 2008, p. 15.
  • "Dmitrij Šostakovic: Auswahldiskografie." In: Komponisten der Gegenwart – KDG, edited by Hanns-Werner Heister and Walter-Wolfgang Sparrer, München 2008, 37th supplement, 28 pp.
  • "Dmitrij Šostakovic: Auswahlbibliografie." In: Komponisten der Gegenwart – KDG, edited by Hanns-Werner Heister and Walter-Wolfgang Sparrer, München 2009, 38th supplement, 80 pp.
  • Art. "Aljabjew, Bortnjanski, Ciurlionis, Fomin, Glinka, Konjus, Muradeli, Rachmaninow, Rimski-Korsakow, Schostakowitsch, Serow, Skrjabin, Wyschnegradski, Das Mächtige Häuflein, Komponisten des sozialistischen Realismus." In: Reclams Komponistenlexikon, edited by Melanie Unseld, Stuttgart 2009.
  • "Musikausübung als Beitrag zur Stärkung der Identität. Musizierende Frauen im Gulag von 1937-1953." In: Blickwechsel Ost | West. Gender-Topographien, edited by Nina Noeske and Melanie Unseld, Hildesheim etc. 2009 (Jahrbuch Musik und Gender; 2), p. 69-82.
  • "Sergej Protopopov – ein Komponist im Gulag". In: Die Musikforschung, 63 (2010), p. 134-146.
  • Art. "Konzentrationslager, Marija Judina." In: Lexikon Musik und Gender, edited by Annette Kreutziger-Herr and Melanie Unseld, Kassel etc. 2010.
  • "Sud'ba i tvorchestvo A. A. Kenelya, soratnika G. M. Rimskogo-Korsakova po "Kruzhku chetvertitonovoi muzyki". = "The life and work of Aleksandr Kenel', colleague of Georgy Rimsky-Korsakov in the Circle of Quarter-Tone Music". In: N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov i ego nasledie v istoricheskoi perspektive. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi muzykovedcheskoi konferencii = N. Rimsky-Korsakov and his Heritage in Historical Perspective. International Musicological Conference Proceedings, edited by Lidia Ader and others, Sankt-Peterburg 2010, p. 36-42 and 307-313.
  • "Totenhaus Gulag. Dostojewski, Janácek und die Musik der Straflager". In: "Aus einem Totenhaus". Leoš Janáceks letzte Oper, edited by Ulrich Lenz and Stefan Weiss, Hannover 2011, p. 45-59.
  • "Musikleben in der sowjetischen Lagerstadt Magadan in den 1930er und 1940er Jahren". In: Musik – Stadt. Freie Beiträge, edited by Katrin Stöck and Gilbert Stöck (= Musik – Stadt. Traditionen und Perspektiven urbaner Musikkulturen, edited by Helmut Loos, Bd. 4), Leipzig 2012, p. 311–320.
  • "Rolʼ repressij v SSSR v dele marginalizacii kompozitorov (1920–1950-e gg.)". In: Sever v tradicionnych kulʼturach i professionalʼnych kompozitorskich školach, edited by Ljudmila Kovnackaja, Petrozavodsk 2012, p. 192–203.
  • Booklet text to: Russian Trumpet Concertos, Reinhold Friedrich (trumpet), Göttinger Symphonie Orchester, Christoph-Mathias Mueller (conductor), MDG 901 1770-6, 2012.