Dr. Markus Osterhoff
A selection of Topics and Projects
Multilayer Zone Plate Imaging

Within the SFB 755 (Project C12), we develop new X-ray imaging techniques using Multilayer Zone Plates …
Heinzelmännchen Cluster

A closeup of one Heinzelmännchen 19" rack drawer, used as a dedicated cluster for X-ray scanning nano-SAXS data analysis. Using modern EigerX 4M detectors by Dectris, hundreds of Gigabytes of data can be collected at Synchrotron Radiation Sources within a few minutes; a parallel anaylsis of such large datasets depends on fast analysis hardware and flexible software …
GINIX Instrument @ DESY

Older Topics
Partial Coherence / Coherence Filtering by X-Ray Waveguides
Takagi-Taupin Theory for Elliptically Curved Multilayer Mirrors
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