In publica commoda

EXIST Potentiale for the expansion of start-up support at the University of Göttingen

The University of Göttingen receives EXIST funding to expand its start-up support. The funds come from the "EXIST-Gründungskultur" program, with which the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy supports start-up promotion projects at universities. The funding is intended to sensitize and qualify students, scientists and professors on the entire Göttingen Campus for the topic of start-ups. Together with regional partners, a comprehensive infrastructure for spin-offs from science is to be created. The focus is particularly on application-oriented ideas from the life and health sciences, technology and IT, as well as spin-offs with socially relevant goals. The funding runs from 2020 to 2024

EXIST-Forschungstransfer: From Prototype to Market Entry

Are you scientifically active and thinking about spinning off your own company? Do your application-oriented research activities hold the potential for an innovative product or an outstanding service?
Der EXIST-Forschungstransfer is a funding program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and supports outstanding research-based start-up projects that involve complex and high-risk development work.

EXIST-Gründerstipendium supports students, graduates and scientists from universities and non-university research institutions who are interested in founding a company.

The start-up teams receive an EXIST start-up grant at attractive conditions for a period of 12 months to develop a business plan and prepare for their business start-up with the support of their university or research institution. The most important prerequisite is that the planned business idea must be an innovative technology-oriented or knowledge-based product with significant unique selling points and good prospects of economic success.

Das EXIST-Projektteam

Bereichsleitung (derzeit beurlaubt) Vertretung Dr. Feodora Lenz

Christina Qaim

Tel. 0551 39-22399

Leitung Gründungsförderung

martin_stamman_2015 Martin Stammann

Tel. 0551 39-22399


Dr. Feodora Lenz


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