
Here you will find information about my current and completed research activities.

Liberal Formations of Islam in Germany (since 07/2022)

Chair Research
Collaboration in the research project Religious Immigrant Communities in Rural Areas (sponsored by PRO*Niedersachsen, runtime: April 2021 - June 2024)

Completed research projects

completed 07/2022

In Hamburg, there has been an increasing establishment of interreligious activities outside of religion-specific spaces in recent years (e.g., interreligious guided tour at the Hamburger Kunsthalle, panel discussion "Religions and Dialogue" at Hamburg City Hall). Against this background, the qualitative-empirical doctoral project "Religionsdialog und Raum" (Religions Dialogue and Space) with an ethnographically oriented approach (Geertz, Knoblauch) focuses on researching interreligious activities in different social spheres of Hamburg (religion, culture, politics) and asks about the interrelationship of spatial contexts and interreligious interaction. Thereby, supplemented by a relational concept of space (Knott, Löw) and with reference to the aesthetics of religion (Mohn, Morgan), an interaction-theoretical focus (Goffman) is applied.
For further information about the doctoral project please click on the picture [German content only]...
Diss-Blog Header_M.Kalender
completed 06/2020

Garten der Religionen Hamburg View of the "World of Religions" in Hamburg, own photo 2013
Gardens as religiously plural spatial arrangements (Beinhauer-Köhler) now exist in a wide variety of forms in many places in Germany (e.g. Hamburg and Cologne) and internationally. I am interested in the respective context of origin and the production aesthetics of these places as well as their perception and use.