Franziska Clausecker - PhD Student

Research Interest
- Vegetation and species composition of climate-resilient grasslands
- Biodiversity of grassland in dependence of grazing
- Future-proof and sustainable grazing systems
- Forage quality of grassland and pasture growth

Research project

Divgrass - Innovative biodiversity for climate resilient dairy grasslands in the North Sea Region Divgrass

Short CV

Since January 2024: Research assistant with the aim of a doctorate at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen / Department of Crop Sciences / Department of Grassland Science

Thema: Innovative biodiversity for climate resilient dairy grasslands in the North Sea Region (Divgrass)

2022-2023: Research assistant at the Institute of Animal Nutrition of the Friedrich-Löffler-Institute, Cattle Nutrition, Braunschweig

2021-2022: Internship at the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit in the sector project "Agriculture", Bonn and internship on mixed farms in the IYFEP program, Uganda

2019-2021: Study of Agricultural Sciences (M.Sc.) / focus on Animal Sciences at the Georg-August-University Göttingen

Thesis: "The fat-protein quotient as an indicator for metabolic diseases in dairy cows." Prof. Hummel, Ruminant Nutrition, Georg-August-University Göttingen

2018-2019: Trainee on a dairy farm in Canterbury, New Zealand

2015-2018: Study of Agricultural Sciences (B.Sc.) / focus on Crop and Animal Sciences at the University of Hohenheim

Thesis: „Genotypic variation for seed quality parameters of Jatropha curcas in Cameroon and Madagascar.“ JatroSolutions, Stuttgart


Clausecker, F., Isselstein, J., Obermeyer, K., Komainda, M., 2024. Dynamik der Futterqualität in Abhängigkeit von der Beweidungsintensität und Heterogenität der Grasnarbe auf extensiven Standweiden. Tagungsband der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Grünland und Futterbau, 152-155.