Haack, Adrian: Artists of ‘Improvised Performances’? Performative Foreign Language Didactics as Part of Future Teachers’ University Education
In his dissertation, Adrian Haack deals with the application of drama methods in the field of foreign language teacher education at university. His work is explicitly practice-oriented, including project cooperations with non-university educational institutions. The thesis evolves around the following key aspects: How to ‘free’ the creative potential future teachers have? Which individual (self-) images of ‘good teachers’ exist among students that want to become teachers? How and why can and should a positive attitude to aspects of holistic learning in foreign language teaching be developed? Overall, this dissertation is located in an overlapping area between the fields of theatre, (foreign) language, teaching and art.
Adrian Haack (2018)
Dramapädagogik, Selbstkompetenz und Professionalisierung: Performative Identitätsarbeit im Lehramtsstudium Englisch
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Dramapädagogik, Selbstkompetenz und Professionalisierung