How to become a Ph.D. student?
Here you will find the process how to become a Ph.D. student. Please don't sent general requests to the dean's office. Just follow the steps explained below.
Between 20.09. bis 04.10.2024 no registrations for the PhD program in physics are possible!
Make sure you fulfill the admission requirements
The admission to the doctoral studies program PHYSICS is regulated by the doctoral degree regulations for the mathematics and natural sciences graduate school - Georg-August-University School of Science (GAUSS). There are no official application deadlines. The precondition for the admission is the successful completion of a consecutive master degree programme in a relevant field of mathematics and natural sciences with a standard course length of at least one year and a total study time of at least four years, the successful completion of a degree course relevant to mathematics and natural sciences with a standard course length of at least eight semesters or proof of an equivalent degree at a German university or at a university in a country belonging to the Bologna signatory states.Degrees from countries outside the Bologna Signatory States, require the assessment of equivalence.
Find an Advisor and a Dissertation Topic
In addition you need a written declaration by an authorised examining member that he or she shall accept and supervise you ("Betreuungszusage").You need to have a very good idea of what general research area you would like to persue. The research done in the Faculty covers practically the whole range of physical sub-fields, from particle physics to cosmology and from pure theory to hands-on experimental physics: a detailed list of research activities of the Faculty is available in
Contact one of the professors or accredited docents of physics directly. The more you know about their activities and how you would fit into their research programme the better your chance at beeing accepted.