Curriculum Vitae

Khant Sandar Htet studied agriculture for her Bachelor's degree at Yezin Agricultural University, Myanmar. She obtained her Master's degree in Sustainable International Agriculture from University of Göttingen and University of Kassel in 2017. Although she started the career in teaching, she has also been trained as a researcher. As a qualified agricultural scientist, she has worked in a variety of research projects related to plant breeding, physiology and ecology. She is now joining SEIAS as a PhD candidate with a DAAD scholarship.

Research Foci

Htet not only has the enthusiasm but also a practical way of thinking concerning issues such as agrobiodiversity, climate change, ecosystems and ecosystem services. Her past research was, amongst others, related to plant species diversity in rural homegardens. Mostly working in fieldwork though, she has gained experience with socially engaging research methods such as “Participatory Variety Selection” in different areas of Myanmar. At SEIAS, she conducts her PhD thesis with the working title “Assessing local communities’ knowledge about cultural ecosystem services and socio-ecological vulnerabilities to climate change in Inle Lake Region”.