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Louise Blanke: An Archaeology of Egyptian Monasticism: Settlement, Economy and Daily Life at the White Monastery Federation

Title of the event Louise Blanke: An Archaeology of Egyptian Monasticism: Settlement, Economy and Daily Life at the White Monastery Federation
Series Online Lecture Series: Material and Written Culture of Christian Egypt
Organizer Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen / Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie
Speaker Louise Blanke
Speaker institution University of Edinburgh
Category Campus Leben
Registration required Ja
Details The lectures will be held exclusively via ZOOM platform. In order to receive the access link, please send an email to Alin Suciu at
Date Start: 21.04.2021, 16:00 Uhr
Ende: 21.04.2021 , 18:00 Uhr
Location Online-Vorlesung (Zoom Meeting)
Contact Alin Suciu
External link