New exhibition brochure "Changing Vistas of Europe"

We're happy that the brochure "Changing Vistas of Europe" is published. It complements the seven portraits of refugees from Asia and Africa presented in the exhibition "Changing Vistas of Europe".
If you're interested in borrowing the exhibition (in English) - please contact: lukas.hofmann[AT]
The exhibition consists of a total of 15 posters, which we have exhibited on movable walls.

CHANGING VISTAS OF EUROPE. Refugees' Concepts of Europe Before and After Arrival
This brochure complements the seven portraits of refugees from Asia and Africa presented in the exhibition "Changing Vistas of Europe". The portraits reveal seven very different life courses and experiences before, during and after migration, and different concepts of Europe.
While public discourses tend to present very generalized and homogenized images of "immigrants" or "refugees", the exhibition invites a consideration of the differences between the experiences and perspectives of these seven people. It will be seen that the idea of migration for economic reasons is not only oversimplified, but in most cases inaccurate.