Christoph Bräuer (Hrsg.) (2016). Denkrahmen der Deutschdidaktik. Die Identität der Disziplin in der Diskussion. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition


Auch wenn die Deutschdidaktik sich endgültig als akademische Disziplin etabliert hat, gehen die Meinungen, welchen Stellenwert sie in der Ausbildung von Professionalität oder Lehrkompetenz haben könnte, auseinander. Weder gibt es Konsens darüber, was die Hochschulbildung zur Professionalisierung leisten kann, noch ist der systematische Ort im Rahmen der wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen geklärt.

Der Band greift diesen Selbstverständigungsprozess auf und lenkt den Blick sowohl auf die geschichtliche Entwicklung, die gegenwärtige Gestaltung als auch auf die zukünftige Ausrichtung. Mit der Kompetenzorientierung sind neben den an Inhalten zu erwerbenden Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern auch die von zukünftigen Lehrkräften zu erwerbenden Kompetenzen in den Blick geraten. Zugleich wird die kompetente Lehrperson als Faktor effektiven (Fach-)Unterrichts stärker wahrgenommen und mit dieser Fokussierung der Wunsch nach einer fachdidaktischen Profilierung der Lehramtsausbildung verbunden.

Sopcak, P., Salgaro, M. & J.B. Herrmann (Hrsg.) (2016). Transdisciplinary Approaches to Literature and Empathy, Special issue of Scientific Study of Literature 6:1.


Empathy evoked in the engagement with cultural artefacts is quite clearly one of the themes of our times, one that has its roots in a tradition dating back to Aristotle of arguing for and studying the connection between empathy and art reception. Despite recent proposals of morally neutral or even negative forms of empathy, the more common claim is that literary reading has positive socio-cognitive effects and ethical import through its ability to promote perspective taking and moral reflection. On such views, said reading outcomes are achieved by identification and/or emotional attunement with, as well as empathic understanding of, literary characters and situations. Although there is ample support for these claims from a wide array of disciplines, such as philosophy, psychology, sociology, as well as legal and medical studies, their plausibility tends to be inversely related to the scope of their explanations, and conclusive empirical evidence is still scant.

This special issue of Scientific Study of Literature aims to advance the empirical research into the relation between literary reading and empathy. All five contributions demonstrate the benefit, perhaps even the necessity, of approaching the empirical study of literary reading and empathy from a trans- or interdisciplinary perspective. By adding both depth and rigor, they are a rich resource and provide promising directions for researchers looking to, for instance, clarify the role of "openness" and the expressive aspects in empathic responses to literature. What is more, with its discussions of mood empathy, the volume is of interest to anyone seeking to situate the complex study of literary empathy's alleged moral value within broader ethical theories. And finally, it is a valuable source of insight for scholars interested more generally in the role of textual and poetic characteristics in empathic engagement with literature.

Plaza-Pust, Carolina (2016): Bilingualism and Deafness. On Language Contact in the Bilingual Acquisition of Sign Language and Written Language. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton and Ishara Press.


This book examines sociolinguistic, educational and psycholinguistic factors that shape the path to sign bilingualism in deaf individuals and contributes to a better understanding of the specific characteristics of a type of bilingualism that is neither territorial nor commonly the result of parent-to-child transmission. The evolution of sign bilingualism at the individual level is discussed from a developmental linguistics perspective on the basis of a longitudinal investigation of deaf learners' bilingual acquisition of German sign language (DGS) and German. The case studies included in this volume offer unique insights into bilingual deaf learners' sign language and written language productions, and the sophisticated nature of the bilingual competence they attain. Commonalities and differences between sign bilingual language development in deaf learners and language development in other language acquisition scenarios are identified on the basis of a dynamic model of change in the evolution of (learner) language, with a focus on the role of language contact in the organisation of multilingual knowledge and the scope of inter- and intra-individual variation in learner grammars. In many respects, as becomes apparent throughout the chapters of this work, sign bilingualism represents not only a challenge but also a resource. Given this cross-disciplinary perspective, the insights on bilingualism and deafness in this volume will be of interest to a wide range of researchers and professionals.

Stockinger, Claudia und Scherer Stefan (Hrsg.) (2016) Ludwig Tieck. Leben – Werk – Wirkung. 2. Auflage. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.


Das literarische und philologisch-literaturkritische Werk Ludwig Tiecks (1773-1853) bestimmte maßgeblich die Literatur und den Kulturbetrieb in der Zeit um 1800 wie die Epochensituation nach der »Kunstperiode«. Das Lexikon stellt Leben und Zeit Tiecks dar, ordnet sein Werk in die ästhetische Tradition ein und beschreibt seine Poetik und sein Engagement als Literaturkritiker, Editor und Philologe. Einzelne Texte werden im Kontext des Gesamtwerks sowie im Kontext ihrer Zeit interpretiert, und auch die Wirkung von Tiecks Œvre wird dargestellt.

Holler, Anke and Katja Suckow (eds.) (2016) Empirical Perspectives on Anaphora Resolution. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Traditionally, anaphor resolution focused on structural cues of the antecedent. Recently, the interaction between discourse factors and information structure affecting antecedent salience has been more thoroughly explored. This volume depicts selected peer-reviewed research papers that tackle issues in anaphor resolution from theoretical, empirical and experimental perspectives. These collected articles present a wide spectrum of cross-linguistic data (Dutch, German, Spanish, Turkish, Yurakaré) and also offer new results from L1 and L2 acquisition studies. Data interpretation span from typological to psycholinguistic viewpoints and are related to recent developments in linguistic theory. One data analysis puts the issue of anaphor resolution in a historical context. The experimental findings are complemented by reviews of the current literature on the role of discourse units.
This volume gives a comprehensive overview of the state of discussion how the interaction between information structure and contextual discourse affects salience. That's why it will be welcomed by all linguists and psycholinguists who are theoretically and / or experimentally investigating several aspects of anaphor resolution.

Literaturstraße 16: Chinesisch-deutsches Jahrbuch für Sprache, Literatur und Kultur Broschiert – 1. Februar 2016 von Yalin Feng (Herausgeber), Jianhua Zhu (Herausgeber), Georg Braungart (Herausgeber), & 2 mehr.

Das Jahrbuch, das bislang im Volksliteratur Verlag (Beijing) erschien, dient dem Dialog zwischen der chinesischen und der deutschen Germanistik. Es macht deutschsprachige Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaftler, Sinologen oder Lektoren mit den Interessen, Fragestellungen und Forschungsergebnissen einer jungen, nach Qualität und Quantität rasch expandierenden chinesischen Wissenschaft bekannt und eröffnet der deutschen Seite die Möglichkeit, den eigenen Kultur- und Wissenschaftsbetrieb auf die Erwartungen einer anderen Welt hin zu überdenken und mit eigenen Publikationen auf die Erfahrungen des Andren zu reagieren. Schwerpunkte des Jahrbuchs bildeten und bilden Arbeiten zu chinesisch-deutschen Kulturbeziehungen, zur literarischen Übersetzung und zur Relektüre klassischer und moderner deutschsprachiger Dichtung aus chinesischer und deutscher Sicht.
Der Band wird unter anderem Untersuchungen zur Theorie der Übersetzung, zu Goethe, Schiller, Heine, Schnitzler, Stefan Zweig, zur expressionistischen Lyrik, zu Klaus Mann, Paul Celan, Ingeborg Bachmann oder zur sprachlichen Negation enthalten.

Pfau, Roland, Markus Steinbach and Annika Herrmann (eds.) (2016) A Matter of Complexity: Subordination in Sign Languages. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton and Ishara Press.

Matter of Complexity

Since natural languages exist in two different modalities – the visual-gestural modality of sign languages and the auditory-oral modality of spoken languages – it is obvious that all fields of research in modern linguistics will benefit from research on sign languages. Although previous studies have provided important insights into a wide range of phenomena of sign languages, there are still many aspects of sign languages that have not yet been investigated thoroughly. The structure of subordinated clauses is a case in point. The study of these complex syntactic structures in the visual-gestural modality adds to our understanding of linguistic variation in the domain of subordination. Moreover, it offers new empirical and theoretical evidence concerning possible structures and functions of subordination in natural languages. And last but not least, it answers the question to what extent the corresponding morphosyntactic and prosodic strategies depend on the modality of articulation and perception. This volume represents the first collection of papers by leading experts in the field investigating topics that go beyond the analysis of simple clauses. It thus contributes in innovative ways to recent debates about syntax, prosody, semantics, discourse structure, and information structure and their complex interrelation.