Research Project - M.WIWI-BWL.0059 -

Short Overview

What? How?
Frequency every Semester
Type of event Seminar
Exam prerequisite None
Examination Implementation of the project
Written documentation of the project
Presentation of results
Credits 18 ECTS
Entry requirements Students of Information Systems: none
Students of the Master MEB: Market Research I or II
Application with the supervisor required
>> Dates, application and topics <<


The students will analyze a complex topic with scientific methods and present, discuss and document their work results in a scientific manner. Through their self-reliant work on an extensive research project, the students will create a connection between theory and practice and acquire additional social competences through group work.

Learning Goals

  • Practicing of methods, especially in data collection and evaluation, to achieve the required methodological quality or creation of software prototypes (under close supervision of the scientific staff)
  • Independent theoretical and empirical work, preferably in small groups (under close supervision, instruction and inspection of the scientific staff)
  • Regular discussion of the intermediate steps with the supervising scientific staff
  • Instruction and supervision by the scientific staff in literary study, in the formulation of hypotheses on causal relationships, in data collection and in reviewing hypotheses by multivariate analysis.

Project Study Topics in Cooperation with Companies

  • It is possible to write a project study in cooperation with a company.
  • Please contact Henrik Wesseloh if you have any questions about cooperation options or suggested topics Michael Groth
  • Exemplary cooperation partners of already completed project studies:

    • Sycor
    • Volkswagen
    • Wilhelm Lambrecht GmbH

Publications from Project Works

  • Pilarski, B., Tornack, C., Klein, M., Pengl, A., Löwe, B., Prael, S., Torno, A., Schumann, M.: Mobile Personalinformationssysteme - Marktüberblick, Nutzenpotenziale und Rahmenbedingungen, in: Knoll, M.; Meinhardt, S. (Hrsg.): Mobile Computing: Grundlagen, Prozesse und Plattformen, Branchen und Anwendungsszenarie, 1. Auflage, Wiesbaden, 2016, S. 95-112.
  • Gröger, S., Decker, J., Schumann, M.: Do Universities Get the Hang of Working Efficiently? A Survey of the Influencing Factors on the Adoption of Electronic Document and Workflow Management in German-speaking Countries, in: Proceedings AMCIS 2014, Savannah, 2014, S. 1-15.
  • Hilpert, H., Kölle, H, Thöne, K, Weimeier, H, Schumann, M.: Do EMIS have the capabilities to support sustainability reporting in practice? Initial results from a latitudinal study with German companies, in: Kundisch, D., Suhl, L., Beckmann, L. (Hrsg.): Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2014, Paderborn, 2014, S. 1261-1273.
  • Klein, M., Heuschneider, S., Lins, C., Pontow, N., Rebhan, W., von Berg, A., Schumann, M.: Innerbetriebliche Social Software Anwendungen in Personalmanagementprozessen - Qualitativ-empirische Erhebung von Einsatzgebieten, Wirkungen und Rahmenbedingungen, Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Professur für Anwendungssysteme und E-Business, Universität Göttingen, Nr. 1, Göttingen, 2012