In publica commoda

Student halls of residence

In Germany, the Halls of Residence are usually not owned by the universities. Most halls are run by an independent organisation called Studentenwerk (Student Union). There is a close cooperation between the University and the Studentenwerk here in Göttingen. The Studentenwerk offers more than 4,400 affordable rooms, apartments and flats for students in Göttingen. The residential buildings are spread all over the town, ranging from historic sites to modern complexes. The room types also vary. Most of the rooms are single rooms which are unfurnished; they are usually arranged either in groups (in a flat-share like way) or in corridor communities which means all rooms on one corridor share facilities such as a kitchen, bathrooms and other communal areas. Moreover, the Studentenwerk also provides single and double apartments and family flats.
Due to the very high demand, we highly recommend filling in an application as soon as possible. You can add your name to the waiting list of students seeking to obtain accommodation in one of the halls of residence at any moment, without any obligation to then take up this offer. It is not necessary to have already applied or be enrolled at the University of Göttingen at this stage.
You can apply online on the following website:


The Studentenwerk offers an illustrated dormitory dictionary in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Arabic and Chinese, where they explain how life in a dormitory/shared apartment works. It may be worth your while, so why not take a look! See: