"Fertility, phenomenology of the body, and postcolonial modernity in India"


9 December 2016, 9am - 12:30pm. CeMIS Board Room, 2.112 Altbau, Waldweg 26, 37073 Göttingen

The workshop will discuss the strengths of "phenomenology" and how it helps to unpack inherited modern dichotomies, including the advantages phenomenology offers over critical, post-structuralist styles of feminism. With a particular focus on questions of fertility in postcolonial India, it will provide a space for students and researchers to reflect on the frameworks that they use to study the body, health, sexuality and/or gender.


Kalpana Ram , Macquarie University: "Spirit Possession and its Provocation of the Modern: Re-casting Frameworks for Researching Women's Health and Fertility".

Sayani Mitra , University of Göttingen: "Affective embodiments: the case of commercial surrogacy in India".

Zaid Al Baset, CSSSC, Kolkata/CeMIS: Discussant

Texts will be circulated before the workshop.

People wishing to participate will have to register via e-mail by 5 December 2016 and will be sent the texts. Please contact: karin.klenke@cemis.uni-goettingen.de

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