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Workshop: Including activating didactic elements in (large group) lectures

Titel der Veranstaltung Workshop: Including activating didactic elements in (large group) lectures
Veranstalter Hochschuldidaktik
Veranstaltungsart Workshop
Kategorie Karriere und Weiterbildung
Anmeldung erforderlich Ja
Beschreibung Lectures are perhaps the most common and well-known form of teaching at the university. It’s didactical efficiency, however, has been questioned.
In this workshop, we explore how lectures can be designed and implemented so that they facilitate active learning. We will focus on the following questions: how and on which levels of teaching-and-learning design can I think about and implement active learning within lectures? What can activation of learners mean specifically in the context of large group lectures? What can this mean concretely for my own lectures and how can I implement active learning in my own teaching? What do these approaches to teaching mean for my role(s) as a teacher and my (perhaps implicit) expectancies of learners?
Based on empirical didactical studies, we will explore these questions and implement the discussed elements in our own teaching design and lectures.

Trainer: Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Decker

All information about the workshops as well as the possibility to register can be found on the website of the section for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education:
Zeit Beginn: 08.05.2023, 09:00 Uhr
Ende: 08.05.2023 , 13:00 Uhr
Ort Waldweg 26, Altbau (Waldweg 26)
Kontakt Hochschuldidaktik
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