Faculty members recruiting PhD students in 2024

This is an overview about the faculty offering PhD positions (fully funded) for starting the PhD in 2024. Information on the application process can be found here. On January 26, 2024 application will be closed. Please click on the project or on faculty member to receive more information. You can find the full list of IMPRS-GS faculty here. All faculty members may be potential supervisors for a PhD within the IMPRS-GS, when you have your own and already secured funding.

Tim Beissbarth

University Medical School -
Medical Bioinformatics
Bioinformatic research in precise medicine
Project description

Requirement: Experience and skills in Bioinformatics, Programming, Statistics and in Machine Learning techniques, Translational Research

Lukas Cyganek

University Medical School - Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology
Stem Cell Unit / Cardiology and Pneumology
Disease modeling and testing of personalized therapies in human iPSCs
Project description

Requirement: skills in stem cell culture, CRISPR/Cas9 and/or omics approaches

Christian Dienemann - Elisa Oberbeckmann

Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences -
Department of Molecular Biology
Structural biology and in vitro systems
Project description

Requirement: Skills in Functional Genomics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry or Bioinformatics

Eugenio Fornasiero

University Medical School -
Department of Neuro-sensory Physiology
Unlocking the secrets of protein turnover in the mammalian brain
Project description

Requirement: Computational biology background (general bioinformatic statistical skills, Biopython programming, RNAseq and proteomics data analysis or experience in integration of multi-omics data)

Dirk Görlich - Johannes Söding

Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences -
Department of Cellular Logistics
Bioinformatics-supported deep Nanobody discovery
Project description

Requirement: Interest and some experience in bioinformatic data analysis, molecular biology, and biochemistry

Michael Lidschreiber - Kristina Zumer

Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences -
Department of Molecular Biology
Genome transcription and regulation
Project description

Requirement: Skills in Functional Genomics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry or Bioinformatics

Marieke Oudelaar

Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences -
Lise Meitner Group Genome Organization and Regulation
Gene regulation and genome organization
Project description

Requirement: Skills in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics or Bioinformatics

Melina Schuh

Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences -
Dept. of Meiosis
Unraveling the mysteries of Ovarian development and infertility
Project description

Requirement: Skills in bioinformatics, cell biology or genetics

Johannes Söding, Peter Lenart, Marieke Oudelaar

Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences -
joint project of different groups
Harnessing innate immunity for a novel approach to cancer therapy
Project description

Requirement: Skills in Molecular and Cell Biology, Biochemistry