Name: Henri Laugel
Email: henri.laugel”€”
Start of PhD project and thesis: December 2022 and January 2023 (resp.).
Presumed end of PhD project and thesis: November 2025
Working title of PhD thesis: “Abo-Direkt: Direct to resistance, quality and yield with field bean lines”.
The project aims to develop new breeding methods in faba bean. It especially focuses on a direct identification of the a priori existing homozygous individuals (faba bean is partially allogamous) and on implementing and validating genomic prediction in faba bean.

Current PhD thesis committee: Wolfgang Link (; Antje Schierholt (; Mahmood Gholami (KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA); Markus Müller

Financial basis of PD project: Abo-Direkt-budget as granted by BLE/BMEL (FKZ 2820EPS003)
Budget of the PhD project was acquired by Wolfgang Link