Completed projects
- Harnessing hidden data treasures for bird population trend estimates in the Asian flyways
- The effectiveness of EU Special Protection Areas (SPAs) to protect birds of conservation concern
- Wildkatze und Windkraft
- Landscape context of habitat use by predators of the Grey Partridge
- EU-Interreg-Project PARTRIDGE
- Partridge Conservation in Göttingen
- Conservation ecology and mitigation of conflicts between livestock owners and Snow Leopards
- Individual habitat use and breeding success of the Eurasian Skylark
- Habitate und Population des Rotmilans in Deutschland (2017-2020)
- Die Rückkehr des Luchses in die deutsche Kulturlandschaft (2016-2019)
- Understanding the root causes of human-wildlife conflicts for improving biodiversity conservation in protected areas (2019-2021)
- Promoting co-existence between local people, carnivores and biodiversity conservation (2017-2019)
- Einfluss von Landschaftsstrukturen auf den Prädationserfolg des Fuchses (Vulpes vulpes) beim Rebhuhn (Perdix perdix) (2015-2018)
- Biodiversity and socio-economy in agroforestry landscapes in Cameroon (2013-2017)
- Assessment of ungulate monitoring techniques in Iran (2015-2016)
- Effects of anthropogenic pressure on large mammals in the Hyrcanian forest, Iran (2015-2017)
- Cooperative breeding in the Azure-winged Magpie
- Effects of forest disturbance on the northern cassowary (Casuarius unappendiculatus) and seed dispersal in Papuan rainforest
- Prey preferences of the Persian leopard and degree of trophic competition with human hunters in Iran (2012-2016)
- Preventive measures and their evaluation to curb human-leopard conflicts in Iran (2013-2015)
- A holistic model of human-predator interactions in conflict situations (2014-2016)
- Human-leopard conflicts and their resolution in Iran (2012-2013)