Institut für Theoretische Physik

Das Institut für theoretische Physik beherbergt ein breites Spektrum an Forschungsaktivitäten, einschließlich Quantenfeldtheorie, Teilchenphysik, Kosmologie, statistische Physik, weiche Materie, Biophysik und Festkörpertheorie. Die Forscher und Forscherinnen im ITP verwenden sowohl analytische als auch rechnerische Methoden an den Grenzen dieser Forschungsgebiete. Dies ist reflektiert in der führenden Rolle des Instituts im Kurrikulum der theoretischen Physik auf allen Ebenen. Das ITP hat eine lange Geschichte: es war der Anfang vieler bedeutender Forschungsgebiete z.B. die Entwicklung der Quantenmechanik und die Grundlagen der Quantenfeldtheorie.

International FOR 5522 PhD School on Nonergodic Quantum Dynamics

From Sept. 23 – Sept. 27, 2024 the Faculty of Physics and its Institute for Theoretical Physics will host an international Phd School on Nonergodic Quantum Dynamics, with about 65 participants from 12 countries. The school will address fundamental questions of the non-equilibrium statistical physics of quantum many-body systems: How do the microscopic equations of motion of quantum mechanics lead to thermalization? Are there exceptions, that is, realistic systems that defy thermalization, at least on long time scales? What is the status of experimental research? The school is organized by the DFG Research Unit FOR 5522 that is coordinated at the University of Göttingen.

International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 2025

In 1925, Werner Heisenberg, then assistant to Max Born at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, published his groundbreaking work "On the quantum theoretical reinterpretation of kinematic and mechanical relationships". This moment is considered the birth of quantum mechanics and to mark the occasion, the United Nations proclaimed 2025 as the "International Year of Quantum Science and Technology". A series of events in this context will therefore take place next year at the birthplace of Göttingen, including a special exhibition in the Forum Wissen, the DPG spring meeting of the Matter and Cosmos Section and a DPG autumn meeting of all sections on the quantum year.
