ICAS:MP Inaugural Conference: "Changing Contours of the Political"

The inaugural conference of the International Centre of Advanced Studies ‘Metamorphoses of the Political’ (ICAS:MP) will be held in Berlin on October 9 and 10.

The conference, "Changing Contours of the Political", will focus on the distinction between ‘politics’ and ‘the political’, which seem to have become a key precept of modern social science, philosophy, and cultural history. The reason for this shift has still to be explored and attempted explanations focus on the changing role of the nation state as actor and object of political science, and the broadening of the field of politics. Today, ‘the political’ modifies its ‘aggregate state’ continually, encompassing new fields of social practice as it withdraws from others, frequently appearing as ‘antipolitics’. This has triggered an intensive and interdisciplinary debate on the contours and content of ‘the political’.

More information about the conference and the speakers can be found on the ICAS:MP website.

ICAS:MP is also running the conference entitled "From ‘Lava Jato’ to ‘Notebandi’: Discourses on Corruption – Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Perspectives" in Erfurt on October 12 and 13.