Going big: Experimentally comparing land sharing versus land sparing

Prof. Dr. Klaus Puettmann

Date: June 30, 2021
Time: 12.30 pm (s.t.)
Place: via zoom. Please register by sending an email to grk2300@uni-goettingen.de.

In his talk, he will link to the recent article published in Nature on the Elliott State Forest in Oregon:

Oregon State is in negotiation to take over a 35000-hectare research forests with the goal to set up a large-scale, long-term experiment that will investigate the impacts of land sparing (producing commodities, e.g., timber, on part of the landscape, thus sparing other parts to provide other ecosystem services, e.g., biodiversity) and land sharing (integrating production of multiple ecosystem services within the same part of the landscape) approaches. The presentation explains the set of circumstances that lead to this unique opportunity and describes the development and details of the research plan.