Vernetzte Mobilität - Technologien, Anwendungen und Geschäftsmodelle - M.Sc. / Ph.D. Informationsmanagement - M.Sc. Digital Health - M.Sc. Informationssicherheit: Strategien, Bedrohungen und Abwehrmechanismen - M.Sc. Strategic Thinking for Future Leaders Change & Run IT - M.Sc. Minecraft4Scrum Workshop by CAPGEMINI Machine Intelligence: Concepts and Applications- M.Sc/ P.hD Master Seminar "Crucial Topics in Information Management" - M.Sc. Persuasive System Design - M.Sc. Social and Ethical Implications of Digitalization - M.Sc. Entrepreneurship 1 - M.Sc. (not offered) Entrepreneurship 2 - M.Sc. (not offered) Project Studies (Projektstudium) - M.Sc.