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Three articles accepted for presentation at ICIS 2023
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Wirtschaftsempfang 2023
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Christophs Dispu
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EJIS Award
Informationsmanagement GuestLectures
Dispu Tine
D-TRAS bei den Tagen der Digitalen Technologien
Congratulations to Dr. Johannes Riquel for successfully defending his dissertation!
Altstadtlauf Göttingen 2022
Long-awaited project visits to Africa WHO-PENat Scale and CAGE-TB. (1)
FRESH News (1)
Leading People into a Better Future through Ongoing Information System Interaction and Engagement
ICIS Best Paper

Finally, face-to-face meetings again! (1)
Vortragsreihe IM IN der PRaxis (1)
Finally, face-to-face meetings again!
Riquel, J.; Brendel, A. B.; Hildebrandt, F.; Greve, M.; Dennis, A. R. (2021) “F You!” – An Investigation of Humanness, Frustration, and Aggression in Conversational Agent Communication (2)
Let's celebrate! @reallygreatsite Facebook  Twitter  Instagram (1)

New journal article published

We are pleased to announce that the paper "Re-examining path dependence in the digital age: The evolution of connected car business models" by Prof. Dr. René Bohnsack, Dr. Hannes Kurtz, and Prof. Dr. André Hanelt has been published in the Research Policy Journal (VHB Ranking A). In a longitudinal study of multiple cases of connected car business models, four different archetypes are identified. Bohnsack and colleagues demonstrate that the integration of digital technologies can reduce lock-in potentials, questioning the classical view of organizational path dependency. More...

Seminar: "Angewandte empirische Forschung"

You can now register for the seminar "Angewandte empirische Forschung." Registration is possible between August 8, 2021 and October 15, 2021. The number of participants is limited to 12.

The course discusses the practical use of empirical research methods concerning information management and business economics. This course is aimed toward students and postgraduates focusing on Business Informatics, Marketing, and Administration. More...

DHRG announcing international tuberculosis project

We are excited to announce that the Digital Health Research Group is part of the CAGE-TB (Cough Audio classification triaGE testing for TuBerculosis) project. The project is a cross-project between European and African partners and aims to build an app-based cough classifier for rapid and accessible tuberculosis triage testing. As part of this, the DHRG will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining the respective App, in which the cough classifier will be embedded... More...

Excited to announce a new DHRG project - CAEHR

We are pleased to announce that the Digital Health Research Group is now part of the CAEHR (CArdiovascular diseases - Enhancing Healthcare through cross-sectoral Routine data integration) project. The project aims to build a hub to integrate cross-institutional and cross-sectoral healthcare data for cardiovascular diseases. This hub will enable better health care due to a timely and comprehensive view of the health information of patients. As part of this, the DHRG is managing the sustainability and viability assessment of the emerging information hub. More...

Digital Health Research Group at the GACD Digital Health Workshop

The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) hosted the implementation science and digital health interventions workshop. The workshop aimed to share experiences and best practices on intervening and preventing non-communicable diseases (NCD) in developing countries. Representing DHRG, Maike Greve was invited to discuss the WHOPEN@SCALE project, tackling NCD management in Eswatini through developing a mobile application. More...

Klausureinsicht Vernetzte Mobilität (WS20/21 und SS21)

Nähere Informationen zur Klausureinsicht des Moduls "Vernetzte Mobilität (WS20/21 und SS21)“ sind jetzt in der Stud.IP Veranstaltung des Kurses vorzufinden. Sie haben ab sofort die Möglichkeit, sich für die Klausureinsicht zu registrieren.

We are delighted to announce three new journal articles

Brendel, AB., Diederich, S., & Niederman, F. (2021): An immodest proposal – going “All in” on replication research in information systems, European Journal of Information Systems, pp. 1-11 [VHB 3: A]

Masuch, K.; Greve, M.; Trang, S. (2021): What to do after a data breach? Examining apology and compensation as response strategies for health service providers, Electronic Markets (forthcoming) [VHB 3: B]

Yuan, S et al. (2021): FedRD: Privacy-preserving adaptive Federated learning framework for intelligent hazardous Road Damage detection and warning, Future Generation Computer Systems, pp. 385-398 [VHB 3: n.a.]

Paper published in the Journal of Information Technology

We are excited about the paper "Toward replication study types for design science research" by Prof. Dr. Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Tim-Benjamin Lembcke, Prof. Dr. Jan Muntermann, and Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe has recently been published in the Journal of Information Technology (JIT) – VHB Ranking A. The paper has been made available as open access and can be downloaded for free. JIT is part of the Senior Scholars' Basket of Journals and is one of the most prestigious journals in the information systems field.

Article published in the JAIS

We are proud to announce that the paper "On the Design of and Interaction with Conversational Agents: An Organizing and Assessing Review of Human-Computer Interaction Research“ has been accepted for publication in the prestigious Journal of the Association for Information Systems. In the paper, Dr. Stephan Diederich, Prof. Dr. Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Prof. Dr. Stefan Morana, and Prof. Dr. Lutz Kolbe organize and assess 262 studies on natural language software applying a socio-technical lens. The study contributes an overview of the status quo of CA research, identifies four research streams through a cluster analysis, and proposes a research agenda.

We welcome Aycan Aslan and Jannes Menck to our team

We are very happy to announce that Jannes Menck and Aycan Aslan are joining our team as of 01.06.2021. Aycan Aslan will be part of the Digital Health Research Group (DHRG) and will work on the project B-FAST - Nationwide Research Network "Applied Surveillance and Testing" and other health research projects in the near future. Jannes Menck will strengthen the Smart Mobility Research Group (SMRG) within the D-TRAS - "Digital Platform for Traffic Safety-Risk Prediction in Rural Areas" - project. We are looking forward to promising cooperation!

Successful doctorate of Dr. Patryk Zapadka

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Patryk Zapadka has successfully defended his dissertation on "Digital Innovation in Incumbent Firm Contexts: A Knowledge Integration Perspective." We thank you for the successful cooperation in the last years and wish you all the best on your further scientific journey! We are looking forward to keeping in touch with you and collaborating on exciting projects. Many greetings from Göttingen to Hamburg.

Successful doctorate of Dr. Hannes Kurtz

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Hannes Kurtz has successfully defended his dissertation on the topic of "Digital Business Strategy - An Investigation of Generic Types, Performance Implications, and Path Dependence." Dear Hannes, thank you for three years of collaboration. We wish you all the best and much success on your further professional and scientific journey. We hope very much that we will stay in contact with you.

Best Paper Awards for Two Publications at the WI 21

We are very honored to announce that we have been awarded two publications at the 16th International Conference on Business & Information Systems Engineering. The article "Do you Feel a Connection? How Human-like Design of Conversational Agents Influences Donation Behavior" received the Best Paper Award, and the publication "Digital Business Strategy and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation" received the Second Best Paper Award. We congratulate the main authors Johannes Bührke and Hannes Kurz but especially also the co-authors for this award.

Article published in the "Sustainability" journal

What is the current status-quo regarding research on the management of ethical aspects of AI, and what are potential gaps and directions for future research on this topic? These are the questions addressed by Prof. Dr. Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Dr. Milad Mirbabaie, Tim-Benjamin Lembcke, and Lennart Hofeditz in the article "Ethical Management of Artificial Intelligence" published in the "Sustainability" journal. Sustainability is an international multi-disciplinary journal with an impact factor of 2.5 (VHB Ranking C).

Successful dissertation by Dr. David Marz

We are pleased to announce that Dr. David Marz has successfully defended his dissertation on "Technology Acceptance in the Context of Digital Transformation." Due to the current situation, the disputation was held digitally. Dear David, we thank you for the great cooperation and wish you all the best for the future. We hope to continue to hear from you in the times to come.

Launch of international D-TRAS project to predict road safety risks

In cooperation with partners from Austria and Germany and funded by the BMWi, the Smart Mobility Research Group has been working on the D-TRAS project since February. D-TRAS aims to predict safety risks for traffic participants. To this end, heterogeneous sensor data -for example, from the vehicle, smartphones, or wearables- is combined with data marketplaces and open data. This dataset will be used to train and operate an AI model that will use a digital cloud platform to identify any safety risks such as black ice, congestion, and potholes. The developed platform will then be evaluated in two European regions with different topologies, Styria (Austria) and Central Germany.

Paper accepted for the European Journal of Information Systems

We are happy to announce that the paper "Co-creating business value through IT-business operational alignment in inter-organizational relationships: empirical evidence from regional networks" by Prof. Dr. Simon Trang, Dr. Markus Mandrella, Dr. Mauricio Marrone, and Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe has recently been accepted for publication in the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS). EJIS is one of the eight journals among the Senior Scholars' Basket of Journals and is ranked A under the VHB ranking.

Official member of CIDAS

We are proud to announce that we are now a member of the Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS). This community is a scientific institution of the Georg-August-University and a hub for cross-faculty and campus-wide collaboration in the field of data science. This concerns, in particular, the coordination and further development of activities in research and teaching. Areas of interest are, among others, machine learning as well as neural control.

How to Survive a Crisis: A project funded by the VolkswagenStiftung

We are happy to announce the new project "How to Survive a Crisis." It is funded by the VolkswagenStiftung. At the core of the project stands the question, "Which business model adaptations provided small and medium-sized enterprises with the resilience to sustain COVID-19 related measures?" The result of this project will be the identification of strategies regarding the business model adaption necessary to sustain a crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Paper accepted for the Journal of Management Information Systems

We are very pleased to announce that the paper "HANDLING THE EFFICIENCY-PERSONALIZATION TRADE-OFF IN SERVICE ROBOTICS: A MACHINE-LEARNING APPROACH" has been accepted to the Journal of Management Information Systems. The lead author of this paper is our former research associate Dr. Shahin Tofangchi. The paper will be published in 2021.

Exist-Founders Scholarship - VineForecast

We are pleased to announce that the Chair of Information Management will support two students, Richard and Paul Petersik, in their innovative start-up "VineForecast." VineForecast, supported by a scholarship from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology (BMWi), is a data-based solution for predicting vine diseases in viticulture. Based on machine-learning algorithms, forecasts are generated that are tailored to the winegrower's particular needs.

Successful dissertations by Dr. Fabian Nischak and Dr. Daniel Hodapp


We are pleased that Dr. Fabian Nischak and Dr. Daniel Hodapp successfully defended their dissertations on "Ecosystems in the Era of Digital Innovation: Exploring the Transformational Impact of Pervasive Digital Technologies on Industrial-Age Business Contexts and Incumbent Firms" and "How Incumbent Firms Navigate Nascent Digital Platform Ecosystems in the Internet of Things: A Contextualized Perspective on Value Co-Creation in Platform Ecosystems." Due to the pandemic, both disputations were held digitally. We thank you both for the excellent cooperation during the last years and wish you all the best! We hope very much that we will stay in contact with you.

MAZ Workshops Northeim & Dassel

Design Thinking Process

In compliance with strict health precautions, the Smart Mobility Research Group initiated further requirements analyses within the MAZ project. Based on interviews already conducted, a prototype was developed, which was tested and presented throughout workshops in Northeim and Dassel. The participants shared valuable feedback and insights into their daily life experiences, which will now be re-evaluated and incorporated into the development of a user-oriented information service.

Start of two new DHRG projects

Two new projects are starting within the National Research Network of University Medicine (NUM).
COMPASS deals with developing a platform that provides methods and tools for the creation of pandemic apps.
B-FAST aims to create a nationwide research network for applied surveillance and testing.

Successful submissions to the ICIS 2020


We are proud to announce that the contributions below have been accepted for presentation at this year's International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Due to the current corona situation, the conference will not take place as planned in Hyderabad, India, but will be held virtually.

  • Greve, M; Masuch, K., Hengstler, S., Trang, S. (2020): Overcoming the Divide of Digital Challenges: A Cross-Cultural Experimental Investigation of Recovering from Data Breaches, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India. (forthcoming) [VHB 3: A]
  • Masuch, K.; Greve, M; Trang, S. (2020): Please be Silent? Examining the Impact of Data Breach Response Strategies on the Stock Value, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India. (forthcoming) [VHB 3: A]
  • Lembcke, T.-B.; Herrenkind, B.; Willnat, M.; Bührke, J.; Nastjul, I. (2020): Driving Future Mobility by Shared Mobility: A Taxonomy of Ridesharing Business Models, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India. (forthcoming) [VHB 3: A]

  • Article accepted in the Journal of Management Studies

    We are pleased to announce that the following article by former research associate David Marz, which was written in collaboration with Professor Andrè Hanelt, among others, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Management Studies (JMS) [VHB 3: A].

    • Hanelt, A., Bohnsack, R., Marz, D. and Antunes Marante, C. (2020), A Systematic Review of the Literature on Digital Transformation: Insights and Implications for Strategy and Organizational Change, Journal of Management Studies [VHB 3: A]

    Team Excursion with Pedelecs


    Within the PedShare project, the pedelec fleet is now ready to go. On Wednesday, 23.09.2020, the bikes made their maiden trip to the Seeburger See. The Chair of Information Management team tested the pedelecs on a total distance of 50 km and was convinced by the bikes' functionality, the smart locks and the PedShare App, and the fun of riding.

    After this successful functional test, the fleet will soon be handed over to the partner companies.

    More information about our Pedshare project can be found here.

    We are happy to announce that five papers were accepted in the past weeks to be published in journals:

    • Brendel, A.B.; Brennecke, J.T.; Hillmann, B.M.; Kolbe, L.M. (2020): The Design of a Decision Support System for Computation of Carsharing Pricing Areas and its Influence on Vehicle Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management – Special Issue “Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology.” (forthcoming) [VHB 3: B]
    • Nastjuk, I.; Herrenkind, B.; Marrone, M.; Brendel, A.B.; Kolbe, L.M. (2020): What Drives the Acceptance of Autonomous Driving? Future Directions and Policy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change Journal. (forthcoming) [VHB 3: B]
    • Masuch, K.; Hengstler, S.; Trang, S.; Brendel, A.B. (2020): Replication of the Unified Model of Information Security Policy Compliance, AIS Transactions on Replication Research – Part of the “Information Systems Replication Project.” (forthcoming) [VHB 3: n.a.]
    • Brendel, A.B.; Greulich, R.S.; Niederman, F.; Trang, S. (2020): Towards a Greater Diversity of Replication Studies, AIS Transactions on Replication Research. (forthcoming) [VHB 3: n.a.]
    • Yuan, Y.; Islam, Md S.; Yuan, Y.; Wang, S.; Baker, T.; Kolbe, L.M. (2020): EcRD: Edge-cloud Computing Framework for Smart Road Damage Detection and Warning, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (forthcoming) [VHB n.a.]

    Dr. Benedikt Brendel was appointed as professor at the TU Dresden.

    We are pleased to announce that Dr. Alfred Benedikt Brendel has been appointed as professor at the Chair of Business Informatics, esp. Intelligent Systems and Services at the TU Dresden. He will start his new position in October. We would like to thank him for the great and encouraging work at our chair and wish him all the best for his new and well-deserved task. We are looking forward to intense cooperation with the TU Dresden from now on. Tim-Benjamin Lembcke will take over his role as the research group leader of the SMRG, and Maike Greve will lead the DHRG.

    Successful dissertations by Dr. Stephan Diederich and Dr. Bernd Herrenkind

    We are delighted that last week Dr. Stephan Diederich and Dr. Bernd Herrenkind successfully defended their dissertations on "Designing Anthropomorphic Conversational Agents in Enterprises: A Nascent Theory and Conceptual Framework for Fostering a Human-Like Interaction" and "Driving the Future Diffusion of Mobility: Investigating User Acceptance of Autonomous Driving in Shared Mobility Services." We congratulate both and are happy that we could join them "at a distance" to toast their success.

    Dear Stephan, Thank you for the excellent cooperation and the many exciting discussions about chatbots in the past years. You have greatly enriched our team, and we wish you all the best for the future. We hope very much that we will stay in contact with you.

    Dear Bernd, Thank you for two years of collaboration. You have spread a lot of good humor in our team and have helped us a lot. We hope to stay in touch in the future.

    New project about regional produced fuels

    Making mobility as sustainable as possible is an important goal in many regions. Therefore, the use of a climate-friendly fuel for transportation should be established regionally, from production to consumption. Consequently, we are looking forward to working together with the Berlin start-up ELO-Mobility and the South Lower Saxony Foundation and collaboratively developing a cross-sectoral concept that brings economic and ecological advantages. The idea behind the concept is the application of innovative technology, plasmolysis, to produce hydrogen. The resulting by-products can be used in other industries, thus developing a cross-sector network.

    Successful paper submissions at the ECIS 2020

    ECIS 2020 We are happy to announce that the following articles were accepted for presentation at this year's European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) [VHB 3: B]. Even though the conference does not take place in Marrakech, Morocco, this year, we are looking forward to an exciting digital event in June.

    • Prinz, C.; Lichtenberg, S.; Willnat, M. (2020): CASSI: Design of a Simulation Environment for Vehicle Relocation in Carsharing, Proceedings of European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakech, Morocco.
    • Lembcke, T.-B.; Herrenkind, B. (2020): Real-World Sustainability Impact of Green Information Systems: Nudging People Towards Business Trip Ridesharing, Proceedings of European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakech, Morocco.]
    • more...

      Articles accepted for presentation at AMCIS 2020

      AMCIS 2020
      We are proud to announce that we will present six paper at this year's American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS):

      • Lembcke, T.-B.; Engelbrecht, N.; Willnat, M.; Lichtenberg, S. (2020): Behavioral Design in Online Supermarkets: How Virtual Shopping Cart Functions Impact Sustainable Consumption, Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Salt Lake City, United States. [VHB 3: D]
      • Brendel, A.B., Trang, S., Marrone, M., Lichtenberg, S., & Kolbe, L.M. (2020): What to do for a Literature Review? - A Synthesis of Literature Review Practices. Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Salt Lake City, United States. [VHB 3: D]
      • more...

        New IS basket publication of the Chair - EJIS - 01.04.2020

        EJIS We are excited that the paper "Digital M&A, Digital Innovation, and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation" by Prof. Dr. Andre Hanelt, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Firk, Dr. Björn Hildebrandt, and Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe has recently been accepted for publication in the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) and is currently in print. EJIS, as one of the leading IS journals worldwide, is a member of the "AIS Senior Scholars' Basket of Journals" and ranked "A" by the German Academic Association of Business Research (VHB).

        The summer semester 2020 will be digital - 10.04.2020

        Digital SoSe

        Due to the corona pandemic, teaching in the summer semester of 2020 cannot be carried out in the usual way. Following the regulations of the faculty, all courses of our chair will also be online-based. Please visit the website of the courses for further details.

        Due to the corona virus, all university events are cancelled until 20.4.2020 - 18.03.2020


        The number of Covid19 infection cases in Germany has further increased in the last few days. Therefore, the university has canceled all events until the 20.04.2020, and the start of lectures originally scheduled for 14.04.2020 will initially be postponed to 20.04.2020. Please stay informed here. All our courses follow the guidelines of the university and we are currently revising out lectures to maintain our extensive range of courses in SoSe 2020.

        Paper on human-like chatbot design accepted for publication in Business & Information Systems Engineering journal - 25.02.2020

        We are delighted to announce that our research paper entitled "Designing Anthropomorphic Enterprise Conversational Agents" has been accepted for publication in the journal Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE, VHB 3 Rank: B), the flagship journal of the German-language IS community.

        The paper, authored by Stephan Diederich, Dr. Alfred Benedikt Brendel, and Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe, reports on the findings of a design science research project with an international professional services company and proposes a nascent design theory for human-like chatbots in a company context.

        The article will appear in the special issue on "User Assistance for Intelligent Systems" in summer 2020; the online version is available via SpringerLink.

        Successful dissertation by Dr. Schahin Tofangchi - 15.02.2020


        Congratulations to Dr. Schahin Tofangchi, who has just received his doctorate from the faculty. His doctoral thesis's title is "Towards a Theory for Designing Machine Learning Systems for Complex Decision Making Problems." We would like to thank Schahin for his contribution and commitment over the past years. We all enjoyed working with him and wish him all the best for his future.

        Presentations in DSDT WiSe 2019/20 - 04.02.2020

        Presentation DSDT

        As part of our innovative Design Science and Design Thinking (DSDT) lecture, three interdisciplinary student teams learned about the Design Thinking methodology. Following the six phases of understanding, observe, define, ideate, prototype, and test, they derived novel prototypes for three challenges. Two challenges focused on aspects regarding prospective “working-class” students, i.e., students being the first to consider studying within their families. Together with the award-winning NGO “Arbeiterkind,” new approaches to strengthen equal opportunities were derived. The prototype summarized information currently spread all over the web in one consistent mobile app, while the other prototype suggested short Youtube videos of different social presence levels (e.g., animation, screencast, or interview) to be supportive for questions of financial study support. The third challenge exemplified approaches to make existing mobility offers more accessible to newcomers, providing indications on valuable additions to current mobile information services. As an interested student, your next chance to participate in Design Science and Design Thinking will be in the summer term 2020—with innovative challenges awaiting you. The module is open for students of the Faculty of Business and Economics, the Faculty of Mathematics, Faculty of Informatics, and other study programs if the examination can be counted towards the degree.

        News Archive