

Philipp v. Grumbkow, Anna Zipp, Birgit Großkopf, Kai Fueldner, Bernd Herrmann, and Susanne Hummel (2012) Analyses to help identify individuals from a historical mass grave in Kassel, Germany, Anthropologischer Anzeiger Vol 69 (1): 1-43

Philipp v. Grumbkow, Anna Zipp, Verena Seidenberg, Lars Fehren-Schmitz, Volkhard A J Kempf, Uwe Groß, and Susanne Hummel (2011) Evidence of Bartonella quintana infections in skeletons of a historical mass grave in Kassel, Germany. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 146(1):134-7


Anna Zipp, Philipp von Grumbkow: “Morphological and genetic analyses to help identify individuals of a historical mass grave in Kassel, Germany”. Workshop “Sickness, Hunger, war and religion from the perspective of Archaeology, History and Anthropology”des Rachel Carson Centers und der Arbeitsgruppe Paläoanthropologie und Prähistorische Anthropologie; März 2011