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Admission requirements for the Single and Joint Honours MA "Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology" (78/ 42 C)

  • B.A. degree or equivalent degree
  • Academic achievement must be verified in the cultural-scientific subject of the humanities and social sciences totalling at least 50 credits, including achievements either in methods of field research or cultural history as well as achievements in the area of cultural theory totalling at least 12 credits. Applicants must additionally have earned at least 6 credits in the fundamentals of cultural anthropology/European ethnology.
  • Additional requirements for the optional specialisation in "Curriculum of Visual Anthropology" (CVA): students must have successfully completed the module B.KAEE.14 or submit evidence of equivalent credits. Contrary to the provisions of Clause 1, this evidence may be submitted up to the beginning of the second subject semester; until this evidence has been furnished the admission to CVA specialisation is subject to conditions precedent.