Dr. Stephen Boahen Asabere

Akademische Rat a.Z. | Lecturer & Postdoctoral Reseacher | ECR

The field of my research combines landscape ecology, soil biogeochemistry, and remote sensing and geographic information systems. Through my research, I aim to develop a deeper understanding of how global change factors, such as urbanization and land use, influence natural and managed ecosystems in providing services critical to human well-being in different spatiotemporal scales.

Research interests

  • Environmental soil biogeochemistry
  • Applied remote sensing and GIS
  • Land use and landscape ecological science
  • Spatial and temporal time-series, and network modelling
  • Urbanization, urban form, urban greenspaces, urban heat
  • Ecosystem services and natural resource impact assessment

  • Projects
    DFG-research grant "SOC dynamics in tropical agroecosystems"

    Thesis topics

  • Broad topics in my field of interest is welcome for a thesis proposal. Directly contact me via email

    • Current topics include:
      urban heat island effect, carbon, phosphorus and silicon geochemistry in soils, litter decomposition and characterization with FTIR