• 2023

    Rescue us all! The effect of the rescue-based claim for familiar and unfamiliar food ingredients, Proceedings of the 53rd European Marketing Academy Conference, Bucharest, Romania.

    (Carneiro-Otto, Fernanda, Steffen Jahn, Jessica Aschemann-Witze & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2023

    Choosing vegan feels good, doesn’t it? Effects of gender-congruency cues on vegan-labeled products, Proceedings of the 52nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Odense, Denmark.

    (Carneiro-Otto, Fernanda, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2022

    Naturally disconfirmed: Which and why disconfirmed expectations about ‘natural’ food can backfire, Association for Consumer Research Latin America Conference, Quito, Ecuador.

    (Schirmacher, Helena, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2021

    When insect consumption is socially risky: Social norms as a major barrier to widespread acceptance of non-normative food, 49th ACR Conference, Seattle, USA.

    (Stremmel, Gesa, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2021

    That’s not Natural! Consumer Response to Disconfirmed Expectations about Food with "Natural" Claims, Food Reformulation – Regulation and Marketing, Munich, Germany.

    (Schirmacher, Helena, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2021

    That’s not Natural! Consumer Reactions to Disconfirmed Expectations about ‘Natural’ Food, Proceedings of the 50th European Marketing Academy Conference, Madrid, Spain.

    (Schirmacher, Helena, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2020

    Compared to What?: Examining the Prevalence of Categorization Bias for Within-Category Product Evaluations despite the Presence of Objective Reference Points, AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference, 30, 68-70.

    (Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2019

    Simple Complexity: An Examination of Quantitative and Qualitative FOP Formats, Advances in Consumer Research, 47, 960.

    (Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2019

    Meaningful Numbers: Using Redundant Qualitative Cues to Reaffirm Quantitative Reference Points, Proceedings of the 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany.

    (Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2019

    Toward a Generalized Adoption Modeling Framework, AMA Winter Academic Conference 2019, Austin, USA.

    (Jahn, Steffen, Martin Schlather, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2019

    Toward a Generalized Adoption Modeling Framework, 41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Rome, Italy.

    (Jahn, Steffen, Martin Schlather, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2019

    How Consumers Use Nutrition Information, 41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Rome, Italy.

    (Jahn, Steffen, Daniel Guhl, Setareh S. Sanjari, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2018

    Meaningful Numbers: How Consumers' Label Comprehension and Healthful Preferences Benefit from the Reinforcement of Numerical Reference Points with Verbal Cues, Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.

    (Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2018

    Numbers that Talk: How the Combination of Verbal and Numerical Reference Points Help Consumers with Label Comprehension and Healthful Preferences, European Association for Consumer Research Conference, Ghent, Belgium.

    (Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2018

    When Friends Give Bad Advice: How Relationship Involvement Impacts Evaluation of Recommendations and Willingness to Follow Again, Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.

    (Demming, Carsten L., Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2018

    Meaningful Numbers: Consumer Response to Verbal Reaffirmation of Numerical Nutrition Information, Advances in Consumer Research, 46, 683-684.

    (Jahn, Steffen, Monique Breaz, Till Dannewald, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2018

    One Label, Two Choices: How Nutrition Knowledge and Time Pressure Impact Use of Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels, Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.

    (Sanjari, Setareh S., Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2017

    How Summary Nutrition Information Reduces Overindulgence, Proceedings of the 46th EMAC Conference, Groningen, Netherlands.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin, Steffen Jahn, Till Dannewald, Tim Doering, & Jutta Schuch)

  • 2017

    Choosing Fast and Slow: Processing Mode and Consumer Response to FOP Nutrition Label Formats, Proceedings of the 2017 AMA Winter Educators' Conference, Orlando, USA.

    (Sanjari, Setareh S., Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2016

    Health Claims Can Make You Fat, But Only When They Are Relevant, Proceedings of the 45th EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin, Steffen Jahn, & Till Dannewald)

  • 2016

    Too Much Food Marketing - How Voluntary Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labeling on Products with Nutrition Claims Can Harm Retailers, Proceedings of the 45th EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway.

    (Elshiewy, Ossama, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2016

    "Low Fat" But High in Sugar: Consumer Response to Misleading Nutrition Claims, Advances in Consumer Research, 44, 207-212.

    (Elshiewy, Ossama, Steffen Jahn, Tim Doering, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2016

    How Reference Information Can Tame What-the-Hell Behaviors, Proceedings of the 45th EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway.

    (Jahn, Steffen, Jutta Schuch, Till Dannewald, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2016

    Why One Does Not Fit All: Towards an Integrative Framework of Nutrition Label Format Effectiveness, Proceedings of the 45th EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway.

    (Sanjari, Setareh S., Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2015

    How the Disclosure of Nutrition Information with Different "Per-Serving Basis" Affects Sales Volume, Advances in Consumer Research, 43, 516-517.

    (Elshiewy, Ossama & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2015

    Abstract Goal and External Reference-Point Interaction in Food Decision Making, Advances in Consumer Research, 43, 572-573.

    (Schuch, Jutta, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2014

    Consumers' Individual Response to Nutrition Labeling - A Study With Supermarket Scanner Data, 36th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Atlanta, USA.

    (Elshiewy, Ossama & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2014

    The Effectiveness of Nutrition Labels in Fighting Health Halos, Proceedings of the AMA 2014 Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, San Francisco, USA.

    (Elshiewy, Ossama, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2014

    The Role of Category Average Reference Points and Health Halos in Purchase Intentions of Healthy and Hedonic Food, Advances in Consumer Research, 42, 670-671.

    (Schuch, Jutta, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2014

    Understanding Nutrition Information: How Reference Points Affect Healthful Food Choice, Proceedings of the AMA Summer Educators' Conference, San Francisco, USA.

    (Schuch, Jutta, Steffen Jahn, Till Dannewald, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2013

    The Impact of Nutrition Labeling on the Purchased Amount of Sugar in Sweet Food Products, Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.

    (Elshiewy, Ossama & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2013

    The Impact of Framed Reference Points, Source Credibility and Nutrition Involvement on Attribute Utility and Importance, Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.

    (Schuch, Jutta & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2013

    The Role of Price Expectations in the Impact of Price Promotions, Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.

    (Szczepanski, Alexandra & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2012

    How do Health Claims Influence Product Choice Behavior? - An Experimental Study, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Boston, USA.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin, Klaus Grunert, & Liisa Lähteenmäki)

  • 2012

    Are Consumers Influenced in Their Food Choice by Health Labels?, Proceedings of the 41st EMAC Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin, Hans J. Juhl, Ossama Elshiewy, & Morten B. Jensen)

  • 2010

    A Decision-supported Tool for Recommending Promising Categories for Targeted Promotions, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Cologne, Germany.

    (Breugelsman, Els, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Thomas Reutterer)

  • 2009

    A Decision-Support Tool for Recommending Promising Categories for Targeted Promotions, Proceedings of the 5th Marketing Dynamics Conference, University of Waikato, Waikato Management School, New Zealand.

    (Breugelsman, Els, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Thomas Reutterer)

  • 2008

    Investigating Cross-Category Brand Loyalty Behavior in FMCG, Proceedings of the 37th EMAC Conference, Brighton, England.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin, Lutz Hildebrandt, & Nadja Silberhorn)

  • 2008

    Which Categories Should Direct Marketers Feature for Which Customers When Using Targeted Promotions?, Proceedings of the 37th EMAC Conference, Brighton, England.

    (Reutterer, Thomas, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Els Breugelsman)

  • 2007

    How to Select a Proper Market Basket Ensemble? A Comparison between Data-Driven and Ad Hoc Results, Proceedings of the 36th EMAC Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Thomas Reutterer)

  • 2006

    A Stepwise Procedure for Segment-Specific Analysis of Joint Purchases, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC Conference, Athens, Greece.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Thomas Reutterer)

  • 2005

    A Market Basket Analysis Based on the Multivariate MNL Model, Proceedings of the 34th EMAC Conference, Milan, Italy.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt)

  • 2000

    Comparison of a Semiparametric Utility Choice Model Estimated by Two Different Algorithms, Proceedings of the 29th EMAC Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

    (Abe, Makoto, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Lutz Hildebrandt)

  • 1998

    The Application of Nonparametric Methods in Marketing, Proceedings of the 27th EMAC Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt)


  • 2023

    Rescue us all! The effect of the rescue-based claim for familiar and unfamiliar food ingredients, Proceedings of the 53rd European Marketing Academy Conference, Bucharest, Romania.

    (Carneiro-Otto, Fernanda, Steffen Jahn, Jessica Aschemann-Witze & Yasemin Boztuğ 2023)

  • 2023

    Choosing vegan feels good, doesn’t it? Effects of gender-congruency cues on vegan-labeled products, Proceedings of the 52nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Odense, Denmark.

    (Carneiro-Otto, Fernanda, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2022

    Naturally disconfirmed: Which and why disconfirmed expectations about ‘natural’ food can backfire, Association for Consumer Research Latin America Conference, Quito, Ecuador.

    (Schirmacher, Helena, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2021

    When insect consumption is socially risky: Social norms as a major barrier to widespread acceptance of non-normative food, 49th ACR Conference, Seattle, USA.

    (Stremmel, Gesa, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ 2021)

  • 2021

    That’s not Natural! Consumer Response to Disconfirmed Expectations about Food with "Natural" Claims, Food Reformulation – Regulation and Marketing, Munich, Germany.

    (Schirmacher, Helena, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2021

    That’s not Natural! Consumer Reactions to Disconfirmed Expectations about ‘Natural’ Food, Proceedings of the 50th European Marketing Academy Conference, Madrid, Spain.

    (Schirmacher, Helena, Ossama Elshiewy, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2020

    Compared to What?: Examining the Prevalence of Categorization Bias for Within-Category Product Evaluations despite the Presence of Objective Reference Points, AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference, 30, 68-70.

    (Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2019

    Simple Complexity: An Examination of Quantitative and Qualitative FOP Formats, Advances in Consumer Research, 47, 960.

    (Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2019

    Meaningful Numbers: Using Redundant Qualitative Cues to Reaffirm Quantitative Reference Points, Proceedings of the 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany.

    (Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2019

    Toward a Generalized Adoption Modeling Framework, AMA Winter Academic Conference 2019, Austin, USA.

    (Jahn, Steffen, Martin Schlather, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2019

    Toward a Generalized Adoption Modeling Framework, 41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Rome, Italy.

    (Jahn, Steffen, Martin Schlather, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2019

    How Consumers Use Nutrition Information, 41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Rome, Italy.

    (Jahn, Steffen, Daniel Guhl, Setareh S. Sanjari, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2018

    Meaningful Numbers: How Consumers' Label Comprehension and Healthful Preferences Benefit from the Reinforcement of Numerical Reference Points with Verbal Cues, Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.

    (Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2018

    Numbers that Talk: How the Combination of Verbal and Numerical Reference Points Help Consumers with Label Comprehension and Healthful Preferences, European Association for Consumer Research Conference, Ghent, Belgium.

    (Breaz, Monique, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2018

    When Friends Give Bad Advice: How Relationship Involvement Impacts Evaluation of Recommendations and Willingness to Follow Again, Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.

    (Demming, Carsten L., Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2018

    Meaningful Numbers: Consumer Response to Verbal Reaffirmation of Numerical Nutrition Information, Advances in Consumer Research, 46, 683-684.

    (Jahn, Steffen, Monique Breaz, Till Dannewald, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2018

    One Label, Two Choices: How Nutrition Knowledge and Time Pressure Impact Use of Front-of-Package Nutrition Labels, Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.

    (Sanjari, Setareh S., Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2017

    How Summary Nutrition Information Reduces Overindulgence, Proceedings of the 46th EMAC Conference, Groningen, Netherlands.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin, Steffen Jahn, Till Dannewald, Tim Doering, & Jutta Schuch)

  • 2017

    Choosing Fast and Slow: Processing Mode and Consumer Response to FOP Nutrition Label Formats, Proceedings of the 2017 AMA Winter Educators' Conference, Orlando, USA.

    (Sanjari, Setareh S., Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2016

    Health Claims Can Make You Fat, But Only When They Are Relevant, Proceedings of the 45th EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin, Steffen Jahn, & Till Dannewald)

  • 2016

    Too Much Food Marketing - How Voluntary Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labeling on Products with Nutrition Claims Can Harm Retailers, Proceedings of the 45th EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway.

    (Elshiewy, Ossama, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2016

    "Low Fat" But High in Sugar: Consumer Response to Misleading Nutrition Claims, Advances in Consumer Research, 44, 207-212.

    (Elshiewy, Ossama, Steffen Jahn, Tim Doering, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2016

    How Reference Information Can Tame What-the-Hell Behaviors, Proceedings of the 45th EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway.

    (Jahn, Steffen, Jutta Schuch, Till Dannewald, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2016

    Why One Does Not Fit All: Towards an Integrative Framework of Nutrition Label Format Effectiveness, Proceedings of the 45th EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway.

    (Sanjari, Setareh S., Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2015

    How the Disclosure of Nutrition Information with Different "Per-Serving Basis" Affects Sales Volume, Advances in Consumer Research, 43, 516-517.

    (Elshiewy, Ossama & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2015

    Abstract Goal and External Reference-Point Interaction in Food Decision Making, Advances in Consumer Research, 43, 572-573.

    (Schuch, Jutta, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2014

    Consumers' Individual Response to Nutrition Labeling - A Study With Supermarket Scanner Data, 36th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Atlanta, USA.

    (Elshiewy, Ossama & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2014

    The Effectiveness of Nutrition Labels in Fighting Health Halos, Proceedings of the AMA 2014 Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, San Francisco, USA.

    (Elshiewy, Ossama, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2014

    The Role of Category Average Reference Points and Health Halos in Purchase Intentions of Healthy and Hedonic Food, Advances in Consumer Research, 42, 670-671.

    (Schuch, Jutta, Steffen Jahn, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2014

    Understanding Nutrition Information: How Reference Points Affect Healthful Food Choice, Proceedings of the AMA Summer Educators' Conference, San Francisco, USA.

    (Schuch, Jutta, Steffen Jahn, Till Dannewald, & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2013

    The Impact of Nutrition Labeling on the Purchased Amount of Sugar in Sweet Food Products, Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.

    (Elshiewy, Ossama & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2013

    The Impact of Framed Reference Points, Source Credibility and Nutrition Involvement on Attribute Utility and Importance, Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.

    (Schuch, Jutta & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2013

    The Role of Price Expectations in the Impact of Price Promotions, Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.

    (Szczepanski, Alexandra & Yasemin Boztuğ)

  • 2012

    How do Health Claims Influence Product Choice Behavior? - An Experimental Study, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Boston, USA.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin, Klaus Grunert, & Liisa Lähteenmäki)

  • 2012

    Are Consumers Influenced in Their Food Choice by Health Labels?, Proceedings of the 41st EMAC Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin, Hans J. Juhl, Ossama Elshiewy, & Morten B. Jensen)

  • 2010

    A Decision-supported Tool for Recommending Promising Categories for Targeted Promotions, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Cologne, Germany.

    (Breugelsman, Els, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Thomas Reutterer)

  • 2009

    A Decision-Support Tool for Recommending Promising Categories for Targeted Promotions, Proceedings of the 5th Marketing Dynamics Conference, University of Waikato, Waikato Management School, New Zealand.

    (Breugelsman, Els, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Thomas Reutterer)

  • 2008

    Investigating Cross-Category Brand Loyalty Behavior in FMCG, Proceedings of the 37th EMAC Conference, Brighton, England.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin, Lutz Hildebrandt, & Nadja Silberhorn)

  • 2008

    Which Categories Should Direct Marketers Feature for Which Customers When Using Targeted Promotions?, Proceedings of the 37th EMAC Conference, Brighton, England.

    (Reutterer, Thomas, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Els Breugelsman)

  • 2007

    How to Select a Proper Market Basket Ensemble? A Comparison between Data-Driven and Ad Hoc Results, Proceedings of the 36th EMAC Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Thomas Reutterer)

  • 2006

    A Stepwise Procedure for Segment-Specific Analysis of Joint Purchases, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC Conference, Athens, Greece.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Thomas Reutterer 2006)

  • 2005

    A Market Basket Analysis Based on the Multivariate MNL Model, Proceedings of the 34th EMAC Conference, Milan, Italy.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt 2005)

  • 2000

    Comparison of a Semiparametric Utility Choice Model Estimated by Two Different Algorithms, Proceedings of the 29th EMAC Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

    (Abe, Makoto, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Lutz Hildebrandt 2000)

  • 1998

    The Application of Nonparametric Methods in Marketing, Proceedings of the 27th EMAC Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt 1998)


  • 2002

    Die Analyse der Preiswirkung auf die Markenwahl. Wiesbaden, Germany: Deutscher Universitätsverlag.
    (Boztuğ, Yasemin)


  • 2012

    Investigating Cross-Category Brand Loyal Purchase Behavior in FMCG. In Adamantios Diamantopoulos, Wolfgang Fritz & Lutz Hildebrandt (Eds.), Quantitative Marketing and Marketing Management. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler, 287-302.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin, Lutz Hildebrandt, & Nadja Silberhorn 2012)

  • 2007

    Ansätze zur Warenkorbanalyse im Handel. In Markus Schuckel & Waldemar Toporowski (Eds.), Theoretische Fundierung und praktische Relevanz der Handelsforschung. Wiesbaden, Germany: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, 217-233.

    (Hildebrandt, Lutz & Yasemin Boztuğ 2007)

  • 2006

    A Market Basket Analysis Conducted with a Multivariate Logit Model. In Myra Spiliopoulou, Rudolf Kruse, Christian Borgelt, Andreas Nürnberger & Wolfgang Gaul (Eds.), From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 558-565.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt 2006)

  • 2005

    Eine Simulation zum Test psychologischer Theorien der Preisbewertung. In Thorsten Posselt & Christian Schade (Eds.), Quantitative Marketingforschung in Deutschland. Berlin, Germany: Duncker & Humblot, 253-275.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt 2005)

  • 2001

    Die Schätzung von Responsefunktionen mit parametrischen und nichtparametrischen Verfahren über Scannerdaten. In Hajo Hippner, Ulrich Küsters, Matthias Meyer & Klaus Wilde (Eds.), Handbuch Data Mining im Marketing. Wiesbaden, Germany: Vieweg, 807-819.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt 2001)

  • 2001

    Nichtparametrische Methoden zur Schätzung von Responsefunktionen. In Hajo Hippner, Ulrich Küsters, Matthias Meyer & Klaus Wilde (Eds.), Handbuch Data Mining im Marketing. Wiesbaden, Germany: Vieweg, 241-254.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt 2001)

  • 2001

    Nonparametric Modeling of Buying Behavior in Fast Moving Consumer Goods Markets. In Georgios Papastefanou, Peter Schmidt, Axel Börsch-Supan, Hartmut Lüdtke & Ulrich Oltersdorf (Eds.), Social and Economic Research with Consumer Panel Data. Mannheim, Germany: ZUMA Nachrichten Spezial, 189-205.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt 2001)

  • 2001

    Stichworte (Kontingenzanalyse, Logistische Regression, Logit-Modell, Log-lineare Modelle, Probit-Modell) zur Analyse von Wahlmodellen. In Hermann Diller (Ed.), Vahlens Großes Marketinglexikon. Munich, Germany: Beck, Vahlen, 821-822, 926-928, 1386.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt 2001)

  • 2000

    Testing the Multinomial Logit Model. In Wolfgang Gaul & Reinhold Decker (Eds.), Classification and Information Processing at the Turn of the Millenium. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 296-303.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin, Knut Bartels, & Marlene Müller 2000)

  • 2000

    Matrix Handling. In Wolfgang Härdle, Sigbert Klinke & Marlene Müller (Eds.), XploRe Learning Guide. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 429-463.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Marlene Müller 2000)


  • 2010

    A Multistep Approach to Derive Targeted Category Promotions, Marketing Science Institute, Working Paper Series, Report No. 10-118.

    (Breugelmans, Els, Yasemin Boztuğ, & Thomas Reutterer 2010)

  • 2007

    A Combined Approach for Segment-Specific Analysis of Market Basket Data, Marketing Science Institute, Working Paper, Report No. 07-105.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Thomas Reutterer 2007)

  • 2006

    An Empirical Test of The Consumer Behavior Theory of Price Valuation Using a Semiparametric Approach, Reference Prices and Accounting for Heterogeneity, Discussion Paper, Report No. 2006-057, SFB 649.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt 2006)

  • 2004

    The Effect of Inventory on Purchase Incidence: Empirical Analysis of Opposing Forces of Storage and Consumption.

    (Bell, David R. & Yasemin Boztuğ 2004)

  • 1998

    Nicht- und semiparametrische Markenwahlmodelle im Marketing.

    (Boztuğ, Yasemin & Lutz Hildebrandt 1998)

Portrait photo of Yasemin Boztuğ. She is wearing a white shirt with a black blazer.


Prof. Dr. Yasemin Boztuğ

Chair of Marketing and Consumer Behavior

Faculty of Business and Economics

Georg-August-University of Göttingen

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3 (Oeconomicum)

Room 1.220 (Secretariat)

37073 Göttingen

Tel.: +49 551 39-27328
Office hours: By appointment