Culture PhDinner

At the Graduate School for Forest and Agricultural Sciences (GFA), you can find more than 50 nationalities. In order to get to know each other a little better or to learn something about other cultures, we are happy to announce Culture PhDinners. You want to introduce your country and excite others with local food, movies or music? You want to get to know other PhD students from your or other countries? Then you have come to the right place! Contacts with students from other nationalities will help you to feel home here, to find your way around better and to make valuable contacts for the future.

Upcoming events:

At the moment no Culture PhDinners are planned.

Requirements You are an international PhD student at the GFA. At first, you should look for some other PhD students who will help you to organize this dinner. The GFA can support you by sending e-mails to members of the GFA from your country. Contact the GFA ( that you are interested in initiating a dinner.

Date Focus and date of the event are up to you: We recommend a day towards the weekend. To make sure, that as many students as possible can attend. It is to be an evening event.

Advertising You decide how you want to promote your Culture PhDinner. Whether with information on the website or otherwise, the GFA will help you.

Place A room will be provided by the GFA where you can eat and get together.

The event No matter what you want to show of your country, bring it: Movies, music, drinks (non-alcoholic), snacks or special decoration. You will be helped to implement what you have imagined. However, the food should be prepared at home and brought to the evening.

Financial support On account, the GFA can refund the price of food and non-alcoholic beverages up to 250 €.

The Culture PhDinner is open to all PhD students of the GFA. Supervisors/advisors and employees of the graduate school are also welcome. Come by and get to know new people, cultures and costums in a convivial and cosy ambience.