SIGNAL: Sustainable intensification of agriculture through agroforestry

Socio-economic valuation

Agroforestry systems are internationally common, especially in the tropics. In Germany, however, implementation is largely absent. Although the demand for sustainable energy sources is increasing and agroforestry systems provide a variety of ecosystem services, hardly any agroforestry has been implemented so far. Previous results of economic evaluation at field level could not transfer into practice, as possible (economic) obstacles may only become apparent at farm level.
Farmers' attitudes towards agroforestry systems, which are a major factor in this process, have so far been associated with higher installation costs and risks, as well as higher maintenance costs and lower economic returns.

In the third funding period, the sub-project socio-economic valuation will integrate the knowledge gained so far in the entire SIGNAL project on ecological relationships and effects of alley cropping agroforestry systems at different sites in Germany into a bio-economic farm model.
It is to be discussed under which operational, site-specific as well as societal conditions the implementation of agroforestry systems can be economically advantageous.

It is to be discussed under which operational, site-specific as well as societal conditions the implementation of agroforestry systems can be economically advantageous. The economic benefits of integrating agroforestry systems within a farm portfolio from the perspective of farmers and the public will be assessed and considered in terms of uncertainty and other risk factors. Starting from a purely economic view from the risk-averse perspective of farmers, a risk-utility function will be developed. In addition, a multi-objective approach from a public perspective will incorporate ecosystem services (such as carbon sequestration, water supply, pest control) provided by agroforestry systems into the assessment. This is contrasted with the private perspective of the farmer. Finally, the differences are analysed and possible compromise solutions are proposed to help policy makers develop efficient financial support to increase the implementation of agroforestry.

Person in charge:
Paul, C.; Hollmann, M.

Funded by:
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen des BonaRes Förderprogramms (Teil der nationalen Forschungsstrategie "Bioökonomie 2030")

Project partner:
Universität Kassel, Technische Universität Brandenburg in Cottbus-Senftenberg, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft

Third funding period: 01.09.2021 – 31.08.2024