Personal details

Katharina Hoffmann studied Business Administration from 2018-2021 at the Alanus University in Alfter near Bonn. She acquired her bachelor’s degree with her thesis on “CSR-Communication in the external Employer Branding”.

During her dual study she worked for Alnatura Produktions- und Handel GmbH, where she gained practical experience in category management, in marketing and human resources. After her bachelor's degree she worked for a year in full time in the marketing department of Alnatura.

Katharina Hoffmann studies Marketing and E-Business (M.Sc.) at Georg-August-University Göttingen since the winter term of 2021/22.

Since October 2022, Katharina Hoffmann is employed as a student assistant at the Chair of Marketing and Retail Management.

Scope of responsibility:

  • General support