Thiemo Wolgast

Thiemo Wolgast completed his bachelor's and master's degree in geography and agricultural sciences, respectively, at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen from 2011 to 2022. In his master's thesis, he investigated consumer acceptance for altered fillet color in rainbow trout as part of a project on the usability of Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) as an alternative protein source in fish nutrition. After successfully completing his studies, Thiemo Wolgast started a PhD in October 2022 in the project “Development of solutions for the regional value chain of brown shrimp fisheries in the North Sea” at the Georg-August-University Göttingen.

Research focus:

  • Consumer behavior
    • Consumer acceptance & consumer preferences
      • Sustainability in agricultural and food systems

      • Research project:

        Development of solutions for the regional value chain of brown shrimp fisheries in the North Sea
        The research and development project aims to identify solutions for a regional value chain for brown shrimp fisheries and to evaluate them with regard to their sustainability (ecological, economic, social) according to scientific criteria and standards. For this purpose, both technical and organizational questions, e.g. regional, mechanical peeling using innovative technology in comparison to other technical solutions, as well as organizational questions (regarding marketing channels, efficiency of alternatives or necessary logistics) are analyzed.
        The reflection of regional peeling requires comprehensive research on consumer expectations and acceptance of the resulting products and the brown shrimp fishery. The aim of the market analysis sub-project (work package 5) is therefore to identify expectations in the product chain and society and link them to possible products of a regional brown shrimp production. In the process, more sustainable distribution channels and innovative forms of marketing for brown shrimp are to be analyzed.