In publica commoda

4. Description of the DaLeLe4All project

Current technical developments mean that data expertise is gaining in importance and becoming essential to social participation. In Germany, the University of Göttingen is endeavouring to expand its accessible teaching, especially in modules that have particular relevance to data expertise.
This project builds on the "Daten Lesen Lernen für Alle" (DaLeLe4All) project of Lower Saxony’s Ministry of Culture, which explicitly addressed students who encounter serious – often hard-to-overcome – barriers using conventional teaching videos, such as students with visual impairments and blindness, and students with hearing impairments and deafness. In real terms, teaching videos are produced which convey key data analysis content in an accessible format. This can include providing audio description (AD), transcription, translation into German Sign Language (= Deutsche Gebärdensprache, DGS) or the sign language of the respective country by a Deaf sign language interpreter, and subtitling the video.

Introductory video about the interdisciplinary project DaLeLe4All (in German)

The produced accessible educational videos can in turn be accessed on the DaLeLe4All project website.

The underlying DaLeLe4All concept of accessible videos is based on the prize-winning Learning to read data (DaLeLe) project created by the Stifterverband and the Heinz Nixdorf Foundation. This aimed to establish a broad and generally available offering of easy-access teaching in basic data analysis expertise to all Bachelor students (cf. Lasser et al., 2021).

The DaLeLe4All project in turn gave rise to the Barrierefreie Lehr- und Lernvideos in der Hochschule (BaLLviHo) work group. The group aims to spread the accessible treatment of videos to further study courses such as “Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaften” and “Statistik für Wirtschaftswissenschaften.”