Bienen_Collage_Ricarda (206 x 366) I am an ecologist particularly interested in conservation of biodiversity in agro-ecosystems, plant-pollinator interactions as well as ecosystem functions and services in agricultural landscapes. Before I started working as a research associate in the department, I completed my studies in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution at the University of Göttingen.
In my PhD I aim to investigate the interactive effects of agri-environmental measures (organic farming, flower strips) along a landscape gradient of semi-natural habitats and increased honeybee densities on pollinator diversity and resource-use of bumblebees (Bombus lapidarius and Bombus pascuorum). This is integrated in the ComBee project, for which you can find detailed information under
I already completed my Master’s thesis within the ComBee project in which I analyzed how the colony development of buff-tailed bumblebees and honeybees is affected by the availability of different proportions of organic fields, flower strips and semi-natural habitats as well as enhanced honeybee densities in the landscapes.