Therese Löbbert

Therese Löbbert completed her Bachelor's and Master's degree in Agricultural Sciences, majoring in Agribusiness, in Göttingen from 2017 to 2023. Her particular interest in social research in the agricultural sector became apparent early on and led her to the Chair of Marketing for Food and Agricultural Products during her bachelor's degree. There she worked as a student assistant in the field of social perception and acceptance of organic animal husbandry. After completing her Master's thesis, which dealt with the topic of label communication at the point of sale, she has been working as a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Chair of Marketing for Food and Agricultural Products at the Georg-August-University since January 2024. Her thematic focus is mainly on climate protection in the dairy industry.

Research focus:

  • Climate protection in the dairy industry
    • Social research along the dairy value chain

    • Research project:

      Dairy trends
      The Institute of Business Administration and the Institute for Market Analysis of the Thünen Institute in Braunschweig, the Department of Agricultural Market Theory, Marketing for Food and Agricultural Products and the Department of Business Administration of Agribusiness of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development of the Georg-August University Göttingen established the research network "Milk Trends" in 2011. The research association defines key scientific topics that are of high economic relevance for the milk value chain in the respective funding period. In the current funding period, the focus is on reducing emissions and various decarbonisation potentials in the dairy industry from a social perspective. The joint project is funded by Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank.