Registration deadlines and regulations in FlexNow

These instructions refer to all performances in the intermediate examination, the advanced exercises, the performances for the proof of key qualifications and the subject-specific foreign language as well as for examination performances in the specialisation area. Please refer to the currently valid specifications in the official announcements of the examination office of the faculty, the following data is only for initial orientation without any claim to correctness:

  • Registration deadline for written and oral examinations: End of the registration deadline on the third day before the scheduled examination date at 10:00 a.m. (also applies if this day is a Sunday or public holiday).

  • Registration deadline for term papers: End of the registration deadline on the scheduled submission date at midnight.

  • Generally: Only via FlexNow registered persons may take part in the examination. Late registration outside the registration period is not possible. In the case of term papers submitted on time, late registration may be granted by the Examinations Office in particularly justified individual cases.