Bastian Mayerhofer

Bastian Mayerhofer finished 2010 at the University of Salzburg (one year in Bologna, Italy) his master’s degree in “Germanistik” with the focus on linguistics, and a diploma degree in psychology. In linguistics, supervised by Prof. Anne Betten, he was interested in style, in particular in modern German literature. In psychology he participated in the LogiCCC research group about (mental) probability logic of Prof. Gernot Kleiter. He investigated conditional sentences (if … then) in natural language and uncertain environments. After four months of working as a researcher with Prof. Peter Juslin in Uppsala, Sweden, on the integration of information in judgment and decision making situations, he started 2011 with his PhD in the Courant research center “Textstructures” in Göttingen. Here he finds the ideal environment to bring together his background in cognitive psychology and his interests in literature and linguistics. Supervised by Prof. Annekathrin Schacht he writes his dissertation on the (neuro-)cognitive processes involved in the understanding of wit and humor in texts.