Call for papers

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The 63rd Annual Conference of the Society for Economic and Social Sciences of Agriculture (GEWISOLA) will take place from Wednesday, 20 September to Friday, 22 September 2023.

The theme of the conference is

Sustainable food systems and land use change

We ask for written contributions on this topic, to be orally presented at the meeting. Posters to be displayed in short presentations are also welcome. Contributions on other topics may also be submitted if they advance the state of knowledge regarding economic and social aspects of agriculture and food. Furthermore, we invite proposals for self-organized working groups on topical issues as well as proposals for pre-conference activities.

Conference Theme

Multiple societal challenges such as malnutrition, climate crisis, biodiversity loss or soil degradation are converging around changing land use and food systems. In addition, this development is directly affected by accumulating shock events such as the COVID-19 pandemic or the Ukraine war, which further accelerate the transformation of land use and food systems. The challenges facing agri-food systems are increasingly difficult to understand, let alone solve, through traditional sectoral and disciplinary approaches. Rather, there is a growing awareness in agricultural and food
sciences that the problems mentioned above are closely interrelated.

Accordingly, integrative research directions that deal with the interactions of agricultural, forestry and other land use systems as well as with entire food systems (including all activities from production to consumption) are currently on the rise. Intensive engagement of agricultural and food sciences with a broad range of societal stakeholders is also becoming more important.
Therefore, the 63rd Annual Meeting of GEWISOLA addresses the analysis of land use and food change from a systems perspective. We cordially
invite you to submit theoretical-conceptual or empirical contributions to the following research questions:

  • 1. In what ways can systems approaches (e.g., “One Health”, “Water-Energy-Food Nexus”, “Integrated Landscape Management”) contribute to understanding and resolving multiple crises related to land use and food?

  • 2. Which development trends can be observed in land use and food systems and what are their implications in terms of different sustainability dimensions?

  • 3. Whatsynergies and trade-offs arise from the transformation of land use and food systems?

  • 4. In what ways can policy instruments, economic/technical/societal innovations and individual behavioural changes contribute to greater sustainability in land use and food systems?

  • 5. Whatbarriershinder a transformation of land use and nutrition towards more sustainability and how can these be overcome?

  • 6. How can agricultural and food science research support societal transformations toward more sustainable land use and food systems?

We welcome contributions from (agricultural) economics and (agricultural) sociology as well as from other subjects dealing with issues of sustainability of food systems and land use change.