Creating tasks with a deadline and thematic structuring

Brief description

The lecturer creates tasks at regular intervals which have to be completed gradually by the students. By issuing them regularly throughout the semester (and not just at the end of the semester), it is possible to guide the learning process and support it with regular feedback.

What is the objective?

  • Independent and continual involvement with the subject matter
  • Work done within a given period
  • Regular feedback on work
  • Support and direction for the phases of independently-organised learning
  • Practising peer reviewing


Activate DoIT in your Stud.IP course under “+“. Then create a list of topics with tasks and set the dates for delivery. You can also upload files in DoIT. Set the required options (group work, feedback, peer review, etc.).

Notes on the options:

  • Work on the tasks can also take place in groups. This mode of working is set for all topics and cannot be changed again after the start of work.
  • You can determine the date from which a topic becomes visible – this function enables the preparation of topics which should only become visible for students in the course of the semester. When you do this you must always activate the “active” window as well.
  • The students are unable to work on the tasks after the delivery deadline. However they can request a deadline extension. This request can be seen on the “Results” page.
Give regular feedback on the students’ solutions. There is a summary table with information about activities (available student answers/ notes/ files/ feedback due and requests for deadline extensions) on the “Results” page.


You can export the student contributions on topics and tasks under “Results” either by topic, user or as a general survey, and process them as an HTML file.

You can transfer the topic structure and tasks to another course (“Copy data”).

Practical tips

Setting tasks is possible at the start of the semester, however it can be spread throughout the entire semester. Review time for responses and follow-up discussions can be added. Work is more structured and more efficient than work on exercises in paper form.

Tutors can undertake structuring in Stud.IP and support both lecturers and students. Outlay depends on the tasks set, the number of participants and the work concept.

Support services

The E-Learning-Service is happy to help you with any questions relating to this and other possible applications of DoIT.