Dr. Juliane Horn - Scientist

Current Project:

GreenGrass - Innovative grassland utilization for sustainable agricultural intensification at the landscape scale


Hamidi, D., Grinnell, N., Komainda, M., Wilms, L., Riesch, F., Horn, J., Hamidi, M., Traulsen, I., Isselstein, J., 2024. Training cattle for virtual fencing – different approaches to determine learning success. Resubmitted after minor revision to Applied Animal Behaviour Science https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2024.106220

Hamidi, D., Hütt, C., Komainda, M., Grinnell, N.A., Horn, J., Riesch, F., Hamidi, M., Traulsen, I., Isselstein, J., 2023. Grid grazing: A case study on the potential of combining virtual fencing and remote sensing for innovative grazing management on a grid base. Livestock Science 278 105373. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2023.105373

Hamidi, D., Grinnell, N.A., Komainda, M., Wilms, L., Riesch, F., Horn, J., Hamidi, M., Traulsen, I., Isselstein J., 2023. The visibility of the invisible: Analysing heifers reactions while learning the virtual fence system. 74. Annual Meeting, European Federation of Animal Science, August 26th – September 1st, 2023 in Lyon, France, 443

Hamidi D., Komainda M., Grinnell N. A., Riesch F., Horn J., Hamidi, M., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2023. Monitoring animal movements by virtual fencing collars – a comparison of different time intervals. 74. Annual Meeting, European Federation of Animal Science, August 26th – September 1st, 2023 in Lyon, France, 247

Hamidi, D., Komainda, M., Grinnell, N. A., Riesch F., Horn, J., Hamidi, M., Traulsen, I., Isselstein, J., 2023. More than a fencing system? Testing the validity of virtual fencing collars for cattle monitoring on pasture. 25. International Grassland Congress, May 14-19 in Kentucky, USA, (2023)

Hamidi, D., Komainda, M., Grinnell, N. A., Wilms, L., Riesch F., Horn, J., Hamidi, M., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2023. Virtual fencing predictable for cattle? 25. International Grassland Congress, May 14-19 in Kentucky, USA, (2023)

Hamidi, D., Komainda, M., Grinnell, N. A., Wilms, L., Riesch, F., Horn, J., Hamidi, M., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2023. Virtual fencing predictable for cattle? 25. International Grassland Congress, May 14-19 in Kentucky, USA, (2023)

Hamidi, D., Grinnell, N.A., Komainda, M., Riesch, F., Horn, J., Ammer, S., Traulsen, I., Palme, R., Hamidi, M., Isselstein, J. 2022. Heifers don't care: no evidence of negative impact on animal welfare growing heifers when using virtual fences compared to physical fences for grazing. ANIMAL. The international journal of animal biosciences, 100614 .https://doi.org/10.1016/j.animal.2022.100614

Horn, J., Isselstein, J. 2022. How do we feed grazing livestock in the future? A case for knowledge-driven grazing systems. Grass and Forage Science 77 (3), 153–166. https://doi.org/10.1111/gfs.12577

Riesch F., Komainda, M., Horn, J., Isselstein, J. 2021. Real-world applications for virtual fences – what are potential benefits for conservation? International Grassland Congress 2021, Nairobi, Kenya, Accepted abstract.

Riesch F. Komainda, M., Horn, J., Isselstein J., 2020. Pastures of the future: prospects for virtual fencing to promote grazing in European dairy farming. Grassland Science in Europe 25, 700-702.

Riesch F., Komainda, M., Horn, J., Isselstein J., 2020. Grüne Aussichten: mehr Weidegang für Milchkühe durch virtuelle Zäune? Beiträge zur 64. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Grünland und Futterbau (AGGF). https://www.lfl.bayern.de/mam/cms07/ipz/dateien/aggf_2020_riesch_et_al.pdf