Date of birth
April 20th, 1980

Place of birth
Dannenberg, Germany


  • 2002-2005: Georg-August-University of Goettingen (Bachelor of Science agronomy)
  • 2003-2005: Georg-August-University of Goettingen (Degree in law, finished intermediate examination)
  • 2005-2006: Ecole national superieur d´agronomie Rennes (France) (Study of agricultural science)
  • 2006-2007: Georg-August-University of Goettingen (Master of Science agronomy)
  • M.Sc. Thesis: "Biodiesel and the German oilseed market: An Econometric Analysis"
  • 2007-2010: Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics at Georg-August-University of Goettingen
  • Doctoral thesis: "Interdependencies between Rapeseed and Biodiesel in Europe – Empirical Results and Policy Implications"

Current position
Research Assistant at the Chair of Agricultural Market Analysis, Georg-August University Göttingen (Prof. Dr. B. Brümmer).


  • 2009: Brümmer, B., S. Busse, M. Pfeuffer: Zertifizierung von Biokraftstoffen zur Sicherung der Nachhaltigkeit. In: Neue Potenziale für die Landwirtschaft – Herausforderungen für die Agrarpolitik. Schriftenreihe der Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank 24, S. 85-120.

Research project

  • World bioenergy markets

    With the emerging discussion about climate change, production of bioenergy from agricultural raw materials has moved into the focus of public interest and research. For the past few years, the biofuel market has become increasingly interesting for the European Union. While the sector has been a key field for the US and Brazil for several decades - both countries have established biofuel industries - the European industry is still in the development phase. In comparison to woody biomass used for heating or crops used for biogas, crops used for biofuels are worth the transportation and are internationally traded. Key players in this market are Brazil (sugar for ethanol and soybeans for biodiesel), the US (corn for bioethanol), the EU (rapeseed for biodiesel and various crops for bioethanol) as well as Malaysia and Indonesia (palmoil for biodiesel).
    Different methods are applied to analyse the development in these markets. Since oilseeds are the major source for biodiesel, one key field will be the investigation of price transmissions within the German oilseed market via time series analysis. Furthermore, the different policy measures applied to biofuels in the EU will be investigated and different strategies will be evaluated. Biofuels are traded worldwide and the different markets and their influence on the German market will be studied.

Work experience

  • 08/06-09/06: Monsanto UK, Cambridge (Intern)
  • 03/06-04/06: Representation of Niedersachsen to the European Union, Brussels (Intern)
  • 10/04-03/05: Georg-August-University of Goettingen, Institute of agricultural law (Student assistant)
  • 09/99-06/00: Military Service, Munster, Germany


  • Busse, S. und B. Brümmer (2010): Bestimmung der Determinanten der Rapspreisentwicklunge in der Hochpreisphase auf Basis von Markovzeitreihenmodellen. In: Loy, J.-P. und R. A. E. Müller (Hrsg.): Agrar- und Ernährungsmärkte nach dem Boom. Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster-Hiltrup, S. 301- 313.

  • Busse, S. (2010): Interdependencies between Rapeseed and Biodiesel in Europe – Empirical Results and Policy Implications, Dissertation, Georg-August- Universität, Göttingen.

  • Brümmer, B., Busse, S. und M. Pfeuffer (2009): Zertifizierung von Biokraftstoffen zur Sicherung der Nachhaltigkeit, in: Neue Potenziale für die Landwirtschaft – Herausforderungen für die Agrarpolitik. Schriftenreihe der Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank 24, S. 85-120.

  • Bahrs, E., Brümmer, B., S. Busse & H. Peyerl (2008): Zukunft der europäischen Agrarförderung und daraus resultierende Strategien für die niedersächsische Agrarpolitik - Status quo Analyse für das Bundesland Niedersachsen. Gutachten im Auftrag des Niedersächsischen Ministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Verbraucherschutz und Landesentwicklung.


  • Busse, S., Brümmer, B. and R. Ihle: Analyse der Rapspreisvolatilitäten während der Nahrungsmittelpreiskrise. 50. Jahrestagung der GeWiSoLa "Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der wissenschaftlichen Politikanalyse", Braunschweig (Germany), September 29-October 01, 2010.

  • Busse, S., Brümmer, B., Ihle, R. and S. Lakner: Integration of Biodiesel and Crude Oil Prices. 20. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft 2020, Vienna (Austria), September, 23-24 2010.

  • Busse, S., Brümmer, B. and R. Ihle: The Pattern of Integration between Fossil Fuel and Vegetable Oil Markets: The Case of Biodiesel in Germany. 2010 AAEA, CAES, & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, Denver (USA), July 25-27, 2010.

  • Busse, S.: The Renewable Energy Directive: A first step towards a sustainable bioenergy policy, or rather, another piece of red tape? World Bioenergy 2010, Jönköping (Sweden), May 25-27, 2010.

  • Busse, S. and B. Brümmer: Bestimmung der Determinanten der Rapspreisentwicklunge in der Hochpreisphase auf Basis von Markovzeitreihenmodellen. 49. Jahrestagung der GeWiSoLa, Kiel (Germany), September 30-October 02, 2009.

  • Busse, S. and R. Ihle: German Rapeseed Oil and Biodiesel Pricing under Changing Market Conditions: A Markov-switching Vector Error Correction Model Approach. The International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Beijing (China), August 16-26, 2009.

  • Busse, S. and B. Brümmer: Price Formation in the German Diesel-Biodiesel-Rapeseed-Soy Oil System: A Markov-switching VECM Approach. IAMO Forum 2009, Halle (Germany) June 17-19, 2009.

Teaching experience

  • SoSe 2010: "World agricultural markets" (tutor)
  • SoSe 2010: "Themenzentriertes Seminar" (tutor)
    (Oberthema: Efficient, sustainable and sustained agriculture in the Southern Hemisphere)
  • SoSe 2010: Excursion of the seminar "Agrar- und Marktpolitik" to Brussels (organizer)
  • WiSe 2009/10: Seminar "Agrar- und Marktpolitik" (tutor)
    (Oberthema: Die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der EU: Unde venis? Quae es? Et quo vadis?)
  • WiSe 2009/10: "Agrarpreisbildung und Marktrisiko" (tutor)
  • SoSe 2009: "World agricultural markets" (tutor)
  • SoSe 2009: Excursion of the seminar "Agrar- und Marktpolitik" to Brussels (organizer)
  • SoSe 2009: Excursion of the M.Sc. Programme "International Agribusiness" to Rome (co-organizer)
  • SoSe 2009: Summer School Dnepropetrovsk University of Economics and Law (Ukraine) & Dnepropetrovsk State Agricultural University (teacher)
  • WiSe 2008/09: Seminar "Agrar- und Marktpolitik" (tutor)
    (Oberthema: Europäische Integration und Landwirtschaft)
  • WiSe 2008/09: "Agricultural Price Theory and Market Risk" (tutor)
  • SoSe 2008: "Market Integration and Price Transmission" (lecturer and tutor)
  • SoSe 2008: "World agricultural markets" (tutor)
  • SoSe 2008: Excursion of the seminar "Agrar- und Marktpolitik" to Brussels (organizer)
  • WiSe 2007/08: Seminar "Agrar- und Marktpolitik" (tutor)
    (Oberthema: Bestimmungsgründe von Preisentwicklungen auf Agrarmärkten)

Other activities

  • the family farm
  • languages
  • travelling
  • swimming


  • German (native speaker)
  • English (fluent)