Environmental informatics is understood to be an integrated subject consisting of bio-, eco-and geoinformatics in addition to scientific computing. By using the tools of informatics in this subject, anyone can study or model objects, structures, regulatory networks, processes (signals, materials and information flows) at various scales and integration levels. Under the umbrella of environmental informatics, the transfer of knowledge about biological, ecological and environmental systems and the system-orientated integration of such will be improved and promoted using modern methods and technology. This important integrative approach at the system level is effective due to the efficient academic and education-related measures set up with the establishment of the MSc and PhD programmes in environmental informatics and their embedment in GAUSS and in the research landscape Göttingen. The excellent biological, ecosystemic, environmental and mathematical research in Göttingen requires the establishment of a corresponding integrated Master and PhD programme in environmental informatics, from which important innovative scientific impulses and contributions can be expected.

(virtual beech-spruce mixed stand)

Lead by the Faculty for Mathematics and Computer Science in cooperation with the three Faculties of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, Biology, and Geosciences and Geography, the Programme in Environmental Informatics (PEI) is a part of the "Georg-August University School of Science"(acronym: GAUSS).