Workshops this year

You can choose one of the following workshops:

• Workshop 1: Qualitative Social Research – Combining and Triangulating Data and Methods (Dr. Ina Alber-Armenat, Göttingen)
• Workshop 2: Text as Data: Computational Methods of Data Collection and Text Analysis (Dr. Valentin Gold, Göttingen)

Due to a lack of demand we had to cancel Workshop 3: Multivariate Time Series Analysis with R (Dr. Markus Fülle , aktuell bei der Deutschen Bank/ Frankfurt a.M.).

The language of the workshop title equals the spoken language of the workshop.

All workshops will take place at the same time (parallel), from September 11 to September 14, 2023. Application is possible for all PhD students of GGG and - if vacancies provided - other PhD students as well.