
Peer-reviewed international journals

van Straaten, O., S. W. M. F. Doamba, M. D. Corre, and E. Veldkamp. 2019. Impacts of burning on soil trace gas fluxes in two wooded savanna sites in Burkina Faso. Journal of Arid Environments 165: 132-140.

Kurniawan, S., M. D. Corre, A. L. Matson, H. Schulte-Bisping, S. R. Utami, O. van Straaten, and E. Veldkamp. 2018. Conversion of tropical forests to smallholder rubber and oil palm plantations impacts nutrient leaching losses and nutrient retention efficiency in highly weathered soils. Biogeosciences 15: 5131–5154. DOI: 10.5194/bg-15-5131-2018.

Hombegowda, H. C., O. van Straaten, M. Köhler, and D. Hölscher. 2016. On the rebound: soil organic carbon stocks can bounce back to near forest levels when agroforests replace agriculture in southern India, SOIL 2: 13-23. DOI: 10.5194/soil-2-13-2016.

van Straaten, O., M. D. Corre , K. Wolf, M. Tchienkoua, E. Cuellar, R. Matthews, and E. Veldkamp E. 2015. Conversion of lowland tropical forests to tree cash crop plantations loses up to one-half of stored soil organic carbon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 112: 9956-9960. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1504628112.

Thonhofer , J., D. Getto, O. van Straaten, D. Cicuzza, and M. Kessler. 2014. Influence of spatial and environmental variables on rattan palm (Arecaceae) assemblage composition in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Plant Ecology DOI: 10.1007/s11258-014-0416-x.

Jones, M. M., D. Cicuzza, O. van Straaten, E. Veldkamp, and M. Kessler. 2014. Determinants of fern and angiosperm herb community structure in lower montane rainforest in Indonesia. Journal of Vegetation Science 25: 1216-1224. DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12181.

Vicca, S., M. Bahn, M. Estiarte, E. E. van Loon, R. Vargas, G. Alberti, P. Ambus, M. A. Arain, C. Beier, L. P. Bentley, W. Borken, N. Buchmann, S. L. Collins, G. de Dato, J. S. Dukes, C. Escolar, P. Fay, G. Guidolotti, P. J. Hanson, A. Kahmen, G. Kröel-Dulay, T. Ladreiter-Knauss, K. S. Larsen, E. Lellei-Kovacs, E. Lebrija-Trejos, F. T. Maestre, S. Marhan, M. Marshall, P. Meir, Y. Miao, J. Muhr, P. A. Niklaus, R. Ogaya, J. Peñuelas, C. Poll, L. E. Rustad, K. Savage, A. Schindlbacher, I. K. Schmidt, A. R. Smith, E. D. Sotta, V. Suseela, A. Tietema, N. van Gestel, O. van Straaten, S. Wan, U. Weber, and I. A. Janssens. 2014. Can current moisture responses predict soil CO2 efflux under altered precipitation regimes? A synthesis of manipulation experiments. Biogeosciences 11: 2991-3013. DOI: 10.5194/bg-11-2991-2014.

Vicca, S., A. K. Gilgen, M. C. Serrano, F. E. Dreesen, J. S. Dukes, M. Estiarte, S. B. Gray, G. Guidolotti, S. S. Hoeppner, A. D. B. Leakey, R. Ogaya, D. R. Ort, M. Z. Ostrogovic, S. Rambal, J. Sardans, M. Schmitt, M. Siebers, L. van der Linden, O. van Straaten, and A. Granier. 2012. Urgent need for a common metric to make precipitation manipulation experiments comparable. (Letters) New Phytologist 195: 518-522.

Schuldt, B., C. Leuschner, V. Horna, G. Moser, M. Köhler, O. van Straaten, and H. Barus. 2011. Change in hydraulic properties and leaf traits in a tall rainforest tree species subjected to long-term throughfall exclusion in the perhumid tropics. Biogeosciences 8: 2179-2194.

van Straaten, O., E. Veldkamp, and M. D. Corre. 2011. Simulated drought reduces soil CO2 efflux and production in a tropical forest in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Ecosphere 2(10):119. DOI:10.1890/ES11-00079.1.

van Straaten O., Veldkamp E., Köhler M., Anas I. (2010). Spatial and temporal effects of drought on soil CO2 efflux in a cacao agroforestry system in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biogeosciences, 7, 1223-1235.

Schwendenmann L., Veldkamp E., Moser G., Hölscher D., Köhler M., Clough Y., Anas I., Djajakirana G., Erasmi S., Hertel D., Leitner D., Leuschner C., Michalzik B., Propastin P., Tjoa A., Tscharntke T., van Straaten O. (2009). Effects of an experimental drought on the functioning of a cacao agroforestry system, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02034.x.

Trabucco A., Zomer R., Bossio D., van Straaten O., Verchot L. (2008). Climate change mitigation through afforestation/reforestation: A global analysis of hydrologic impacts with four case studies. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 126, 81-97.
Link: DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2008.01.015

Verchot L., Zomer R., van Straaten O., Muys B. (2007). Implications of country-level decisions on the specification of crown cover in the definition of forests for land area eligible for afforestation and reforestation activities in the CDM. Climatic Change, 81, 415–430.

Book chapters / Reports

Trabucco A., Bossio D., van Straaten O. (2008). Carbon Sequestration, Land Degradation and Water. In Conserving Land, Protecting Water (eds Bossio D, Geheb K). CAB International, Oxfordshire.

Zomer R., Trabucco A., van Straaten O., Bossio D. (2006) Carbon, Land and Water: A Global Analysis of the Hydrologic Dimensions of Climate Change Mitigation through Afforestation/Reforestation. pp 48. International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Nangendo G., van Straaten O., De Gier A. (2005). Biodiversity Conservation through Burning: A Case Study of Woodlands in Budongo Forest Reserve, NW Uganda. In African Forests Between Nature And Livelihood Resource: Interdisciplinary Studies in Conservation and Forest Management (eds Ros-Tonen M, Dietz T). Mellen Press, Lewiston.


van Straaten, O. (2010). Drought effects on soil carbon dioxide efflux in two ecosystems in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Georg-August University of Göttingen. PhD thesis. pp 97.

van Straaten, O. (2003). Changing woodland ecosystems : post - disturbance woody species succession dynamics and spatial trends. International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, Enschede, the Netherlands. MSc. Thesis. pp 71.