Urban World[ing]s: Urban anthropology at GISCA
Urbanization is a global megatrend, an expression of the Anthropocene and a key driver of social, cultural, economic and political change reflected in the fact that more than 50% of the world's population lives in urban spaces. Accordingly, urban anthropology is an important field of comparative ethnographic research and teaching at the Göttingen Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, just around the corner and far away.
This website provides an overview of the research projects of doctoral candidates and students at various qualification levels that deal with the diverse expressions of urban life and urban livelihoods, urban conflicts, policies and transformations around the world. To whom does the city belong? is a broad guiding question.
This question also drives the innovative teaching and learning seminars that provide methodological approaches to urban anthropology based on multimodal, transdisciplinary and multisensory approaches and contemporary theories of the urban that emphasize relational dynamics and new ways of thinking about the city.
With regard to our international teaching and research cooperation projects with universities in Southeast Asia, East Asia and India, our approach is likewise transcultural and transdisciplinary team work tested across borders.

Making the city-of-uncertainty work:
Cityness, the flow of things and precarious livelihoods in Jakarta
Nurman Nowak PhD Thesis
The ethnography provides for accounts about cityness i.e. conducts and logics that enables poor urban communities i.e. street vendors, trash scavengers, street musicians and other people of the street to re-shape urban uncertainty, by transforming its destructive and inhibiting capacities to (potential) transformative and productive trajectories of maneuvering to make the city work for their needs, desires and interests.

The Jeepney: Change, Resistance, and Uncertainty in Urban Transport
Louis Westerkamp M.A. Thesis
Public transport is one of the many intertwined and complex urban issues. In the case of Metro Manila, Philippines, so-called Jeepneys are the main mode of public transport – and highly contested. The Jeepney is considered both a national symbol and a nuisance and exists in a highly fragmented yet job-providing sector that the state envisions becoming green and modern. This project hopes to shed some light on all the practices, discourses, entanglements, and appropriations of and within the sector.

Exploring Formal and Informal waste management infrastructure: the case of Central Hanoi, Vietnam
Quyen Hanh Nguyen M.A. Thesis
My research is an exploratory project about waste and what it entails: global and local inequality, environmental issues, environmental injustices, social boundaries, re-evaluation of objects and people, their agency and aspirations.

Soziale Initiativen und ihre transformativen Kräfte im Maschviertel, Göttingens nördlicher Innenstadt
Greta Viktoria Simon B.A. Thesis
In der nördlichen Innenstadt Göttingens, dem sogenannten Maschviertel, sind eine Reihe von sozialen Initiativen angesiedelt, welche auf das Netzwerk und die Räumlichkeiten der ehemals besetzten und nun gekauften OM10 (Akronym für Obere-Maschstr. 10) zurückgreifen. In meiner dreimonatigen Feldforschung (Nov. 2023- Jan. 2024), führten mich Ver- und Entknüpfungen (nach Haraways string figures (2016)) über die Initiative Soziales Zentrum zu der AG Nachbar:innen Café des Forum Waageplatz-Viertels. Letzteres ist ein Zusammenschluss von und für Nachbar:innen des Maschviertels rund um den Waageplatz. Die AG Nachbar:innen Café richtet einmal im Monat ein Café explizit für FLINTA*s (Akronym für Frauen, Lesben, Inter, Non-Binary und agender* Personen) des Maschviertels aus, um einen geschützten Raum für Austausch, Unterstützung und Verbindung zu schaffen.

Urban Super Food vs. Rural Staple Food: (Re)discovering Ragi in Bangalore and South Karnataka
Jasmin Lasslop M.A. Thesis
I came across Ragi during my first exchange semester in Pune, India in 2017. Together with a friend, I was buying bread at a bakery nearby the campus when she pointed to the Ragi-Bread which was also available that day. While eating this bread with the specific nutty flavour, I did some research to find out what exactly this supposed healthy Ragi is...