Publikationen von Thiago Pinto Barbosa

Barbosa, Thiago P.: Indian Sociology and Anthropology Between a Decolonizing Quest and the West: Thinking with the case of Irawati Karve. Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines (41): 181-211.

Barbosa, Thiago P.: Racializing a New Nation: German Coloniality and Anthropology in Maharashtra, India. Perspectives on Science, 30 (1): 137-166.

Barbosa, Thiago P. & Deshpande, Urmilla.: The Contradictions of Irawati Karve: A Conversation. Migrant Knowledge, Available at:

Barbosa, Thiago P.: Making Human Differences in Berlin and Maharashtra: Considerations on the Production of Physical Anthropological Knowledge by Irawati Karvé. South Asia Chronicle 8(1): 61-93.

Barbosa, Thiago P.; Rivera, Manuel; Mena, Francisca; Paredes, Mariela; Morales, Milena.: Experiencia estética y desarrollo sostenible: Un estudio de caso. [Aesthetic experience and sustainable development. A case study.] Revista de la Academia 26 (0): 80–113.

Barbosa, Thiago P.; Brown, Owen; Kirchner, Julia; Scheurer, Julia.: Remembering the Anthropological Making of Race in Today’s University: An analysis of a student's memorial project in Berlin. Etnofoor 30 (2): 29–48.

Barbosa, Thiago P.: "Wenn Anthropologie eines kann, dann Fragen stellen und zeigen, dass es auch ganz anders sein könnte." In: Goehler, Adrienne, ed. Nachhaltigkeit braucht Entschleunigung braucht Grundein/auskommen ermöglicht Entschleunigung ermöglicht Nachhaltigkeit. Parthas Verlag, Berlin, S.170-179.

Capanema Álvares, L. ; Bessa, A.; Barbosa, Thiago P.; Simão, K.M.C.: Attracting international tourism through mega-events and the birth of a conflict culture in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. In: Colomb, C. & Novy, Joahanes, ed. Protest and Resistant in the Tourist City. London: Routledge.

Barbosa, Thiago P.: Review of: Mitra, Durba: Indian Sex Life. Sexuality and the Colonial Origins of Modern Social Thought. Princeton 2020, In: H-Soz-Kult, 26.03.2021, Available at: