Institutseröffnung am 04.02.2019

Im Rahmen der Feierlichen Institutseröffnung hat

Prof. Dr. Susan Schreibman (Maastricht University)

einen Vortrag gehalten über

„The Disciplinarity of Digital Humanities“

After 30-some years of Digital Humanities scholarship, teaching, and grant funding; after the development and flourishing of professional associations, conferences, centres, institutes, journals, book series, and publications, the jury still seems to be out. Is Digital Humanities a discipline in its own right or an add on to the traditional humanities subjects. Is it simply a set of methods that ultimately all humanities researchers will use?

Will all humanities researchers be, in due course, Digital Humanists, integrating multiple methods in their research practice, ultimately, negating the need for Digital Humanities as a separate space (metaphorically, physically, and institutionally). Or is Digital Humanities a discipline in its own right, with its own mores, values, and methods. Does it have pedagogic practices that are central in developing, expanding, and defining it as a discipline?

This talk will explore these ideas, with implications for where institutionally DH should be located, its infrastructural needs, pedagogic practices, and relationship to other disciplines.

Die Feier fand am 04.02.2019 von 15:00 – 17:30 Uhr in der Paulinerkirche, Papendiek 14, 37073 Göttingen statt.

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