Contributions to books

  • HANSEN, B. T. (2011): Isotopes (radiogenic) in Encyclopedia of Geobiology, in Reitner, J. and Thiel, V. (Eds.). Springer Verlag. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, Part 9, 516-520.
  • HANSEN, B. T. and WEMMER, K. (2011): Age and Metamorphic Evolution of the Basement Rocks. in Ridd, M. F., Barber; A. J. & Crow M. J. (Eds) The Geology of Thailand Geological Society, London.19-32.
  • HANSEN, B. T. (2005): Isotope, die Gene der Gesteine. „Das System Erde - was bewegt die Welt?“ J. Reitner, K. Weber und Ute Karg. Hrsg. 73-87. Universitätsverlag Göttingen. ISBN 3-938616-07-5.
  • SHUTKOWSKI, H., HANSEN; B. T., WORMUTH, M. and HERRMANN, B. (2001): Signaturen stabiler Strontium-Isotope in menschlichen Hartgewebe - Möglichkeiten für die osteologische Identifikation. Rechtsmedizinische Forschungsergebnisse Oehmichen, M. and Geserick, G. (Hrsg.) Research in Legal Medicine Vol 26, 31-40 Schmiddt-Roemhild Verlag, Lübeck.
  • HANSEN, B. T., TEUFEL, S. & AHRENDT, H. (1989): Geochronology of the Moldanubian-Saxothuringian transition zone, North Eastern Bavaria, West Germany. In: The German Continental Deep Drilling Programme (KTB), Emmermann, R. & Wohlenberg, J. (eds.), Springer Verlag, 55-66.
  • NEUBAUER, F., FRISCH, W. & HANSEN, B. T. (1987): Time Relations between Eoalpine Metamorphism and Thrusting: Evidence from the Crystalline Basement of the Eastern Greywacke Zone. In: Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps Flügel, H. W. & Faupl, P. (eds.), Vienna (Deuticke) 264-271.
  • HANSEN, B. T., HENJES-KUNST, F., BAUMANN, A. & JECHT, U. (1985): Comparative Analyses of Natural Rock Samples by Mass Spectrometry, X-Ray Fluorescence, Atomic Absorbtion Spectrometry and Gamma-Ray Spectrometry. In: Instrumentelle Multielementanalyse, Sansoni, B. (ed.), FL: VCH Wienheim 717-720.